We Tell You How to Wear Printed Rain Boots


    I "inherited" an adorable pair of Printed Rain boots from a fellow fashion editor friend a few months ago (ie, she left them at my apartment, I started wearing them, and finally 'fessed up a few weeks later that I still had them. She graciously let me hang on to them...) and ever since, I've been loving rainy days.

    But reader katybeth22 isn't have as much fun in her galoshes I am in mine. She writes, "What is the best way to wear rain boots? I have this really cute pair that I love, but it never seems quite appropriate. Can I wear them with shorts when it is rainy but not cold? Or just with jeans? Is it appropriate to wear them shopping when it is raining? Would you bring other shoes to change into? Does it have to be actually raining, or can I wear them when it just finished raining and is still wet?"

    Well doll, like many things in this fashion life, the answer lies with Kate Moss.

    Miss Moss kicked off the trend for rain boots in general (and Hunter Wellies in specific) at the Glastonbury music festival in 2005. She made jumping through mud puddles look like an absolute picnic, thanks to her highly practical (and suddenly chic) rain boots. And while the average gal can't necessarily wear booty shorts, a vest, and a fanny pack with hers, it doesn't mean you can't take a few cues from her.

    I'll answer your questions in order: I love rain boots with shorts. Denim cutoffs work best, along with a long sleeve top, but keep it casual! I also think it's just fine to wear them shopping, on errands, pretty much any place but the office (unless you have a casual dress code, like Glamour). And you can definitely wear them any time there are puddles present--it doesn't have to be raining.

    Rain boots are meant to be bright and bold and a lot of fun, so don't take yourself too seriously in them. They should also show off your legs, so wear them with shorts, skinny jeans, or leggings--nothing baggy!

    Do you guys have rain boots? How do you wear them? And don't forget--tell us your most pressing style questions and we'll do our best to get them answered!

    We are one of the ladies rubber rain boots supplier and welcome to your come and purchase!