The Shot Button in 2K22 must be used in the proper manner

  • It takes a long time to grind badges in NBA 2K22, and it is one of the most time-consuming aspects of the game's overall experience. It is not necessary, however, to wait indefinitely for results. Consider the information that follows!

    Subjects for Photographing

    Playing on professional difficulty and attempting an excessive number of 3s is the best way to earn shooting badges as quickly as possible. Shooting will be easier and you will earn more badge points as a result of the low difficulty setting, as a result of which you will earn more badge points.

    Make use of the appropriate badges to aid you in your grinding efforts: As soon as you have obtained a few initial badges, you must ensure that you have obtained all of the necessary badges before continuing your grinding. For the best chance of winning the game, choose a good center with a brick wall and take advantage of the Pick and Roll technique.

    This method entails holding a triangle in order to signal to your teammates that they should cut to the basket as soon as the ball is passed to you, which they should do. The Triangle and Cut Method is as follows:Besides assisting your teammates in obtaining easy buckets, this should also assist you in earning badge points for your own efforts in the game.

    Throwing lobs should be your first priority if you want to get the most points possible for each possession. This is due to the fact that they are the most efficient method of accomplishing the task. Despite the fact that they are generally simple to complete, they can be challenging at times. If you see a teammate who appears to be wide open for a pass, you should throw the ball to them as soon as possible.

    Make use of the appropriate NBA 2K22 MT to aid you in your grinding endeavors. For example:Quick First Step is a badge that is required for all other badge types, and it is one of those badge types. Dimer and Special Delivery, on the other hand, are the most useful badges for assisting you in earning more badge points for playmaking.

    1. To prepare for the lob drill, it is recommended that you use the practice facility

    2. In order to earn a large number of Playmaking badge points, making extensive use of the Lob Drill is a simple and straightforward method of achieving this goal

    3. In order to earn a large number of Playmaking badge points, make extensive use of the Lob Drill

    4. There are easier drills, but none that reward you with as many points for your time as this particular drill does for your effort

    5. In all likelihood, by now you've heard that there is a team practice that you can attend prior to every game in which you'll be taking part

    6. These team practices will be entirely determined by the drills that you and your teammates choose to work on during these sessions


    While these drills will not result in any improvements to your overall rating, they are only intended to assist you in the process of unlocking your Cheap NBA 2K22 MT. It will be obvious which drills are most effective when it comes to earning badge points because they will be clearly labeled on the drill itself. It is possible to earn 750 points if you put forth a faultless performance in drills such as finishing contested drives, making deep 3-point shots, and making contested jumpers. Choose the assignment that you believe will be the most difficult for you to complete and give buy mt 2k22 a 3-star rating to reflect your level of difficulty.

    Bringing everything to a successful conclusion

    Make use of the brief intermissions between scenes:As a result of your efforts, you will earn more finishing badge points as a result of cherry picking easy dunks and layups, which will result in you earning more finishing badge points overall. When possible, instead of pulling up for three buckets, take advantage of any quick breaks to get quick buckets instead.

    Make use of the appropriate cheap 2K22 MT to aid you in your grinding endeavors. For example:A fearless finisher, as well as a posterizer and a limitless takeoff, are essential for getting to the basket, and a quick first step is an absolute must. Slithery Finisher and other badges, for example, can be extremely useful in certain situations.

    Making a pick and roll while driving to the hoop appears to be the most effective method of obtaining finishing NBA 22 MT on Next-Gen. The fact that we haven't had as much success as others in the role of the roller despite the fact that it is a good way to earn points

    The following are examples of exercises that will be carried out in the practice facility:To pass this drill, you must complete all of the Putbacks exercises. You can rack up a significant number of badge points in a short period of time with little effort, and it is a relatively simple drill to complete. It is also not necessary to have a high dunk rating in order to pull this off successfully.

    Defensive measures are being implemented.

    Robberies committed on the ground are a great way to rack up defensive badge points in a short period of time. However, they do have one drawback: they can be a little challenging to work with at times. In contrast, obtaining defensive  can be a simple and repeatable process if you time and position yourself correctly.

    Bouncebacks: For big men, rebounding results in an abnormally high number of defensive badge points compared to the rest of the team. Large men can rack up defensive badge points by stacking the Rebound Chaser badge as high as they possibly can. However, this is the most time-consuming method of earning defensive badge points.

    Choose the appropriate badges to aid you in your grinding efforts. For example:Obtaining other badges, such as Rim Protector and Intimidator, is necessary for any player who intends to grind their way through the game's levels.

    Ensure that you make use of your practice facility in order to complete the Rim Protector drill. Because it is straightforward and takes only a short amount of time, you will earn a large number of points with this drill. Even simply preventing a basket from being constructed will earn you more stars, with each block you remove increasing the total number of stars you earn.