D2R Best 2.6 Mosaic Build For Ubers - Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladd

  • Are you searching for the best Mosaic builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected ladder season 3? The new D2R 2.6 Phoenix Strike Kicksin has already been very powerful with a few cheap pieces of equipment. In this D2R 2.6 Mosaic Assassin build guide, we will see what it really looks like whenever we really want to go full-scale. One of the easiest ways to level up fast in D2R Ladder is by purchasing D2R Ladder Items.

    D2R Ladder Season 3 Mosaic Build Guide - Best 2.6 Mosaic Assassin Build In Diablo 2 Resurrected

    The Mosaic Rune Word is supposed to strengthen D2R patch 2.6 Assassin builds. It provides a new effect that allows you to avoid consuming the charge while having a finisher move. These three runes should be put into a socketed item within the following order: Mal + Gul + Amn. Mosaic is compatible with the next base: Claws from the Assassin. Mosaic has two significant advantages: When assaulting the adversaries, the lifespan leech will regenerate health points. And cold, fire, and lightning spells are going to do extra harm to the opponents. Now, let's look into the skills, gear, stats, merc setup, and gameplay tips for the very best Diablo 2 Mosaic build 2.6. D2R Ladder Items

    D2R 2.6 Mosaic Build Skills

    Martial Arts: 1 Fist of Fire, 20 Claws of Thunder, 20 Blades of Ice, 20 Tiger Strike, 1 Cobra Strike, 20 Phoenix Strike, 5 Dragon Talon

    Shadow Discipline: 1 Burst of Speed, 20 Fade, 1 Claw Mastery

    For the stat points and skills, exactly the same applies so far as the budget build, however, it can be advantageous to upgrade fate and employ it permanently. So you have less challenge with resistance. You don't actually need a burst of speed since you will teleport with this particular Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.6 Mosaic build anyway. And with a few fast claws, the 20% ias around the rune word has already been enough for that second last breakpoint.

    D2R 2.6 Mosaic Build Gear Setup

    Weapon - Dual Mosaic

    Armor - Enigma

    Helm - Griffon’s Eye

    Amulet - Spirit Spiral

    Belt - Arachnid Mesh

    Ring - Raven Frost

    Ring 2 - Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band

    Boots - Shadow Dancers

    Gloves - Soul Touch

    For the gear, the very best weapons continue to be two Runic Talons, preferably with a few nice auto mods in it. They should either push the primary skills or unlock some point skills, to help you save skill points. The armor is definitely an Enigma, around the head, Griffon's Eye has a lightning facet, therefore we get a 25% cast rate and stronger lightning damage. Another 20% FCR is ideally added each through the amulet and also the belt. The rings are Raven Frost and Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band. We take Shadow Dancers plus some crafted gloves with plus two to fighting techniques, ias, crushing blow, and much more. Or simply Dracul’s Grasp. Players can buy cheap d2r runes from a trustworthy shop like MMOWTS to gain access to powerful new abilities and strategies.