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doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
مهارات مطلوبة لكيف ابدأ التداول
لا يعتمد التداول فقط على المعاملات والمبادلات اليومية فقط، حيث أن التداول لا يعتمد على المعاملات... moreمهارات مطلوبة لكيف ابدأ التداول
لا يعتمد التداول فقط على المعاملات والمبادلات اليومية فقط، حيث أن التداول لا يعتمد على المعاملات التجارية فقط.
ومع تنوع الأسواق المالية يمكن أن يتحول التداول لمهنة بالإضافة لعدد معانيه ما بين استثمار ومحاربة.
كيف ابدأ بالتداول
وليكون ادى الفرد سمات التداول ويحقق النجاح فيه لابد من وجود مجموعة من السمات الأساسية التي تكبر نجاح المتداول في مجال التداول.
ولا يكون النجاح في التداول من قبيل الصدفة بل أنه ينتج عن مهارات تعلم عالية، ومن سمات المتداول الناجح ما يلي:
القدرة على التعلم بشكل مستمر
لابد أن تكون تمتلك الدافع لكي يكون تعلم التداول أمر ممتع بالنسبة لك، وهي تشبه أي مهنة. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
حكم شراء اسهم في شركة امازون في العراق
يتساءل الكثير من المستثمرين عن كيفية شراء اسهم في شركة امازون في العراق وعن حكم الاستثمار في أسهم... more حكم شراء اسهم في شركة امازون في العراق
يتساءل الكثير من المستثمرين عن كيفية شراء اسهم في شركة امازون في العراق وعن حكم الاستثمار في أسهم هذه الشركة. باعتبارها من الشركات غير العربية التي تعمل وفقًا لأحكام الشريعة الإسلامية. وبالتالي قد يكون هناك شبهة في الأرباح المكتسبة منها. ولكن نحن لا يمكننا تحليل أو تحريم الاسثتمار في أي سهم خاصة الأسهم الأمريكية بشكل عام. لأن حكمها قد يختلف من فترة زمنية لأخرى باختلاف الظروف التي يتم فيها تقييم حكم وشرعية السهم.
اسهم شركة امازون
ولكن بصورة عامة فهناك بعض القواعد التي تساعد في تحديد حكم أي سهم قبل الشروع في... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
توقعات تحليل الذهب اليوم
مع التذبذب الكبير في أسعار معدن الذهب في الوقت الراهن، يبحث العديد من الناس عن معرفة توقعات الذهب والوقت المناسب... more توقعات تحليل الذهب اليوم
مع التذبذب الكبير في أسعار معدن الذهب في الوقت الراهن، يبحث العديد من الناس عن معرفة توقعات الذهب والوقت المناسب للشراء، وأفضل وسيلة لشراء هذا المعدن الثمين هو متابعة تحليل الذهب ومراقبة أسعار السوق للوقوف على أفضل أوقات الشراء، وذلك من خلال النظر إلى الاتجاهات العالمية، وتخصيص مبلغ مالي بصورة شهرية أو ربع سنوية من إجمالي الدخل العام للفرد، ومن ثم استخدامه في شراء سبائك الذهب أو العملات الذهبية باعتبارهم أفضل وسيلة لاستثمار الذهب.
تحليل سوق الذهب
وبمتابعة تحليل اسعار الذهب وتوقعات المحللين والخبراء فإن ارتفاع أسعار الذهب بالأسواق العالمية في الفترة الراهنة يرجع إلى عدة عوامل، من بينها ارتفاع حجم الطلب على الذهب في نفس وقت وجود نقص في حجم المعروض من الذهب في الأسواق. وذلك يرجع إلى توقف عمليات الاستيراد لخام الذهب من الدول المنتجة له، إلى جانب رفض الأشخاص بيع ممتلكاتهم من الذهب تحسبا لحدوث ارتفاع جديد في أسعار الذهب. وهو ما أدى إلى ارتفاع سعر الذهب في البورصة العالمية. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
تاريخ شركة جرير ونشاطها
تأسست شركة جرير للتسويق، المعروفة أيضًا باسم مكتبة جرير كمكتبة صغيرة، في مدينة الرياض عام 1974م. وفي الثمانينيات... more تاريخ شركة جرير ونشاطها
تأسست شركة جرير للتسويق، المعروفة أيضًا باسم مكتبة جرير كمكتبة صغيرة، في مدينة الرياض عام 1974م. وفي الثمانينيات افتتحت فرعاً ثانياً في الرياض وآخر في التسعينيات، في عام 2002م. وأصبحت جرير شركة مساهمة برقم سجل تجاري (1010032264)، وتم إدراجها في السوق المالي السعودي (تداول) في عام 2003م.
ويبلغ رأس مال شركة جرير 1.2 مليار ريال سعودي. وتعمل في تجارة التجزئة والجملة لمنتجاتها في المملكة العربية السعودية ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الأخرى. وتعمل شركة جرير من خلال قسمين: البيع بالتجزئة (بما في ذلك المبيعات عبر الإنترنت) والبيع بالجملة تحت العلامة التجارية “مكتبة جرير”.
الاستثمار في سهم جرير
وتشمل أعمال الشركة التجارة في الأدوات المكتبية واللوازم المدرسية والألعاب والوسائل التعليمية والكتب والمنشورات باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية، والمواد الفنية والحرفية، وملحقات وبرامج الكمبيوتر، والهواتف المحمولة وملحقاتها، والمعدات السمعية والبصرية، وأدوات التصوير، وأجهزة التلفزيون الذكية. وصيانة الحاسبات والأدوات الإلكترونية. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The ruling on trading in digital currencies in Iraq
The International Union of Muslim Scholars issued a fatwa on the ruling on trading in digital currencies in Iraq and in Arab countries. It published on its website the fatwa issued by the Ijtihad and... moreThe ruling on trading in digital currencies in Iraq
The International Union of Muslim Scholars issued a fatwa on the ruling on trading in digital currencies in Iraq and in Arab countries. It published on its website the fatwa issued by the Ijtihad and Fatwa Committee regarding dealing with these encrypted digital currencies. It stated that dealing with these virtual currencies in their current state is prohibited. It is also prohibited to manufacture or trade them.
حكم العملات الرقمية
The committee explained some of the reasons on which it relied in this fatwa. Among them is that these encrypted digital currencies do not meet the pillars and conditions specific to money according to economists and jurists. Which include that cash currencies are ruling. And that they are an average among all funds so that funds can be estimated with them. And that their proportion to all funds is the same proportion.
In addition, digital currencies do not perform any of the functions performed by... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
What are Japanese candlesticks?
Japanese candlesticks are a type of chart used in technical analysis of financial markets. الشموع اليابانية الانعكاسية
They are used to illustrate price movement over a specific period of time,... moreWhat are Japanese candlesticks?
Japanese candlesticks are a type of chart used in technical analysis of financial markets. الشموع اليابانية الانعكاسية
They are used to illustrate price movement over a specific period of time, and provide a clearer visual view of price changes than traditional line charts.
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
نبذة عن شركة الباحة
تُعد شركة الباحة للاستثمار والتنمية إحدى الشركات الرائدة في المملكة العربية السعودية في مجالات الاستثمار والتنمية... more
نبذة عن شركة الباحة
تُعد شركة الباحة للاستثمار والتنمية إحدى الشركات الرائدة في المملكة العربية السعودية في مجالات الاستثمار والتنمية المتعددة. توقعات سهم الباحة
تأسست الشركة بهدف استثمار الفرص الواعدة في الاقتصاد السعودي والمساهمة في التنمية المستدامة لمختلف القطاعات. منذ إنشائها، حققت الشركة نمواً ملحوظاً ونجاحات متعددة في مشاريعها المتنوعة، مما جعلها لاعباً مهماً في السوق السعودي.
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Daily Markets
Daily Markets website provides trading recommendations, which are considered the most important things that a novice trader needs in particular, to help him understand technical analysis and everything related to trading operations in... moreDaily Markets
Daily Markets website provides trading recommendations, which are considered the most important things that a novice trader needs in particular, to help him understand technical analysis and everything related to trading operations in various markets, and to understand everything related to Forex as well, such as trading indicators, the most important trading recommendations, the appropriate times for trading, أسواق دايلي how currencies are traded, and other information that requires someone with sufficient experience to help novice investors to be able to achieve profit. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
What is digital currency tradingIt is a technological process that takes place through trading platforms for buying and selling digital currencies or using them in exchange for products through “Blockchain” technology. The process is characterized as... moreWhat is digital currency tradingIt is a technological process that takes place through trading platforms for buying and selling digital currencies or using them in exchange for products through “Blockchain” technology. The process is characterized as follows:هل تداول العملات الرقمية حرام An online electronic process through which you can trade on any of the global platforms with a large number of traders, which gives a large economic market. The trading process is completely encrypted and cannot be traced, counterfeited or hacked, which gives an element of security when trading. The process takes place without any intermediaries, which makes it a simple process with no side costs. Trading technology is carried out through records recorded in blockchain technology that contain the history of all transactions that take place. Operations are freed from centralization and are not subject to a specific entity, which has contributed to the demand for them. The trading process is... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Raydan stock symbolRaydan Shares was listed on the Saudi Stock Market for the first time in 2019. Raydan’s stock symbol on the Saudi Stock Exchange is 6012. Raydan’s stock has been trading since Thursday, November 21, 2019, and the daily fluctuation rate... moreRaydan stock symbolRaydan Shares was listed on the Saudi Stock Market for the first time in 2019. Raydan’s stock symbol on the Saudi Stock Exchange is 6012. Raydan’s stock has been trading since Thursday, November 21, 2019, and the daily fluctuation rate for Raydan’s share price was 10%.توقعات سهم ريدانBefore that time, Raydan shares were being traded in the parallel market, before the company submitted a request to transfer Raydan shares to the main market for stock trading. The share transfer process was implemented with a capital of 45.2 Saudi riyals, and 4.5 million Raydan shares were offered. Trading in Raydan shares has been suspended for five trading sessions until the transfer procedures are completed. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Ruling on Sipchem sharesMuslim scholars have permitted the idea of investing in company shares according to the nature of the basic activity of each company. If the activity is permissible and is not tainted by any Sharia violations, then investing... moreRuling on Sipchem sharesMuslim scholars have permitted the idea of investing in company shares according to the nature of the basic activity of each company. If the activity is permissible and is not tainted by any Sharia violations, then investing in the company’s shares is permissible as a result of them being pure shares. However, if the company’s activity is permissible but it is mixed with some bank funds and usurious interest, then In this case, the stock becomes mixed, and the most likely opinion is that it is not permissible to invest in it, but some scholars have permitted investment in mixed stocks on the condition that a percentage of the profits be taken out and spent in charitable organizations for the purpose of purifying the profits from the forbidden percentage.حكم سهم سبكيمTherefore, this ruling applies to the ruling on Sipchem shares, as it is considered a mixed stock. When Sipchem shares were offered on the Saudi Stock Exchange for the first time, Sipchem shares... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
يمكن ملاحظة مدى جدية الوسيط في العديد من الأمور الأخرى، من بينها تنظيم الوسيط من قبل هيئة مالية أوروبية معروفة. نظرا لأن الهيئات... more يمكن ملاحظة مدى جدية الوسيط في العديد من الأمور الأخرى، من بينها تنظيم الوسيط من قبل هيئة مالية أوروبية معروفة. نظرا لأن الهيئات الأوروبية بشكل خاص تتسم بمستوى عالٍ جدا من الصرامة في مراقبة شركات الوساطة. مثل هيئة الرقابة المالية الفيدرالية أو هيئة الأوراق المالية القبرصية أو هيئة السلوك المالي البريطاني، وغيرها. من أهم النقاط التي يجب أن تتوافر في افضل وسيط في مجلس التعاون الخليجي هي مدى حماية أموال وحسابات العملاء. وكذلك الاحتفاظ بأموال العملاء في حسابات مصرفية منفصلة عن رأس مال وأصول الشركة.أفضل شركة فوركس في دبي كما أن يتمتع الوسيط بأعلى درجة من الشفافية فيما يخص الرسوم والشروط التي يفرضها. فيجب أن يتم عرضها بمنتهى الوضوح والتفصيل في الشروط والأحكام الخاصة بالتعاقد مع الشركة وعلى موقع الويب الخاص بها. وذلك لضمان عدم تعرض العميل إلى أي مفاجآت سارة أو غير سارة في هذا الصدد. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Investing in Almarai sharesInvesting in Almarai stock, as it is one of the most important and largest Saudi companies that enjoys a large market value in all countries of the Arab world, is considered one of the right decisions. Almarai Company, which... moreInvesting in Almarai sharesInvesting in Almarai stock, as it is one of the most important and largest Saudi companies that enjoys a large market value in all countries of the Arab world, is considered one of the right decisions. Almarai Company, which was established in 1977 AD, is considered the largest vertically integrated company in the dairy field in the entire world, and it is the largest global company in the production and distribution of beverages. Dairy and food products in the Middle East.سعر سهم المراعيThe changes and fluctuations that Almarai Tadawul stock is exposed to on a daily basis, which directly affect its price movement, make it the best choice for investors who prefer daily speculation on stocks. Also, investors in Almarai stock, the leaders of the Saudi Stock Exchange, often rely on their investments on daily speculation in stocks that are characterized by high volatility. Like Almarai stock, it is daily traded.In addition, the status of Almarai stock on the Saudi... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Shams Company for Tourism Projects
Shams Tourism Projects Company is considered one of the largest companies in the tourism field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company’s market value reaches more than 340 million Saudi riyals. The company was... more
Shams Company for Tourism Projects
Shams Tourism Projects Company is considered one of the largest companies in the tourism field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company’s market value reaches more than 340 million Saudi riyals. The company was established on June 31, 1991 AD to be one of the giant tourism companies that manages tourist facilities and establishes resorts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.مقارنة 4170The Palm Beach Resort is one of the most important resorts of Shams Tourism Projects Company, which is located in the eastern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The area on which the beach was established is about 550,000 square meters, and the area of its sea destination is about 1,300 meters in length.
The resort is distinguished by the presence of a large number of services, as there are many chalets in addition to the marina and cabana, and a number of sports clubs. In addition to this, there is a hall designated for conferences and more than one field for football,... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How to trade shares in Al Rajhi Bank
Al Rajhi Bank provides its customers with the ability to trade, buy and sell stocks. You can do this through the following steps:ما هي الأسهم It is necessary to ensure that there is an effective ATM card and... moreHow to trade shares in Al Rajhi Bank
Al Rajhi Bank provides its customers with the ability to trade, buy and sell stocks. You can do this through the following steps:ما هي الأسهم It is necessary to ensure that there is an effective ATM card and that the investor has an investment account. Log in through Al Rajhi Capital. You must create a user account by filling out the following data: ID Number. Residency number if the investor is a resident. The investor's mobile number. Click on confirm to save the data. It is necessary to confirm the activation code that was sent to the mobile phone. The bank's investment portfolio must be activated through the activation code. To start trading you will appear on the main screen. Click on Trade. A window appears on the screen in which we choose to buy or sell, then specify the type, number, and price of shares. Then you confirm the operation. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How to invest in stocks and choose the best onesInvesting in stocks requires a lot of knowledge, as choosing the right stock for investment is not an easy matter. We often see some people who pay all their savings into buying stocks and investing in the... moreHow to invest in stocks and choose the best onesInvesting in stocks requires a lot of knowledge, as choosing the right stock for investment is not an easy matter. We often see some people who pay all their savings into buying stocks and investing in the stock market, but are exposed to huge losses. This results from their poor selection of stocks and their misunderstanding of the mechanism of the money market. Therefore, there are some factors that will help each person choose the appropriate stocks for investment, including:فتح حساب استثماري Determine the stocks that are believed to be worth buying, by conducting research on the stock’s performance and results. Read the opinions of experts about this stock, and watch its charts, whether daily or weekly. If it is generally trending upward, this is a strong indicator of the stability of the stock's performance in the long term, which is really great. Reviewing a stock's performance in order to evaluate its potential, it is necessary to... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Stock trading strategiesOne of the foundations of learning how to buy shares and trade them on the stock exchange is understanding trading strategies and learning how to use them in order to succeed in trading.هل الاسهم مربحة Strategies in... moreStock trading strategiesOne of the foundations of learning how to buy shares and trade them on the stock exchange is understanding trading strategies and learning how to use them in order to succeed in trading.هل الاسهم مربحة Strategies in the world of trading are among the basics of improving the investor’s chances of achieving the desired profits, in addition to reducing the percentage of potential risks.A good stock trading strategy must take into account the specific stocks that the investor plans to trade, along with market conditions, and all information related to the company and the economic sector to which it belongs. It must also include the amount of risk that the investor can bear, while understanding his personal needs and preferences before he searches. How do I buy shares? A trading strategy must be formulated and then carefully tested in order to try to earn more returns and reduce the chances of losses as much as possible. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
What are the types of uses of crypto currency?Crypto currency is used as one of the means by which payment is made for various goods and services. In addition, it is used for several other uses, including:مميزات العملات... moreWhat are the types of uses of crypto currency?Crypto currency is used as one of the means by which payment is made for various goods and services. In addition, it is used for several other uses, including:مميزات العملات المشفرة Currency: The original method of using the crypto currency and the most obvious method. It is used to pay for goods and services and estimate the price for them. This is the same case in which other currencies are used, such as the US dollar, the euro, the Canadian dollar, or the Japanese yen. Bitcoin can be used to pay for goods all over the world. If the merchant accepts it as a method of payment. Use as an alternative: The use of crypto currencies is not limited to payment only, as it can be used as an alternative in the basic system for issuing the currency. The currency differs from being a tool or a money currency. Using it as a tool is considered a way to preserve its value for its holders inside the network, and currencies that have a basic function... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Information about Shams CompanyMost investors search for general information about Shams Company before taking the step of trading in it. The following is the most important information that will benefit any investor who trades his money in Shams... moreInformation about Shams CompanyMost investors search for general information about Shams Company before taking the step of trading in it. The following is the most important information that will benefit any investor who trades his money in Shams Company: -شركة شمس Shmi Company is the largest tourism company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company's marketing value reached 340 million riyals during the last year, so it is one of the companies with huge values in the financial markets. The company was established on June 31, 1991. The company specializes in managing many resorts, facilities and hotels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company supervises resorts and hotels, the most important of which is the Palm Beach tourist resort on the coast of the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company is responsible for supervising a large number of marinas, cabanas, and many sports clubs. Shmi6 Company includes many resorts and conference halls and manages many swimming... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
شركة FXTM (ForexTime) الترخيص والتنظيم: مرخصة من CySEC وFCA وFSCA. منصات التداول: توفر منصات MT4 وMT5. الرافعة المالية: تصل إلى 1:2000. الحد الأدنى... moreشركة FXTM (ForexTime) الترخيص والتنظيم: مرخصة من CySEC وFCA وFSCA. منصات التداول: توفر منصات MT4 وMT5. الرافعة المالية: تصل إلى 1:2000. الحد الأدنى للإيداع: 10 دولار. الإيجابيات:شركات تداول مرخصة في السعودية رافعة مالية عالية تصل إلى 1:2000. حد أدنى للإيداع منخفض يبدأ من $10. منصات تداول شهيرة مثل MT4 وMT5. السلبيات: رسوم عالية على بعض الحسابات. قد يكون الدعم الفني غير متاح باللغات المحلية لبعض المستخدمين. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How do I sell Aramco shares using the Al Rajhi application?Al Rajhi Bank provides the service of selling shares through its electronic application, which can be downloaded on smart phones and used with ease. Aramco shares are sold in the following... moreHow do I sell Aramco shares using the Al Rajhi application?Al Rajhi Bank provides the service of selling shares through its electronic application, which can be downloaded on smart phones and used with ease. Aramco shares are sold in the following steps:كيف ابيع الاسهم The Al Rajhi electronic application is downloaded for free from the Google Play Store for Android devices, or from the Apple Store for iPhone devices. Enter the application and register a new user account, or log in if an account already exists. From the main page of the application, click on the trading icon. Click on “More”. Then click on “Stocks”. Aramco shares are determined, specifying the number of shares to be sold. The “Send” icon is clicked. The secret code is written in the required field. Then click on the shares icon and determine the amount required to sell the shares. The “Finish” button is... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
What are the specifications of American halal stocks?Halal stocks do not differ from other stocks listed in the financial market that achieve growth and give shareholders good returns from investment, but they differ in their adherence to some controls... moreWhat are the specifications of American halal stocks?Halal stocks do not differ from other stocks listed in the financial market that achieve growth and give shareholders good returns from investment, but they differ in their adherence to some controls that are compatible with the provisions of Islamic Sharia so that all the money gained from them is legally halal. Among these special controls for halal stocks are: follows:افضل الاسهم الامريكيةThe company to which the shares belong must be based in its activity on legitimate businesses and not in violation of Islamic law. The company’s scope of work should not be in explicit prohibitions such as trading in alcohol or gambling, and it should not engage in buying and selling debts, and the like.The company’s financial transactions must not include lending and usury, as usury is an explicit prohibition in Islamic law. If the company is forced to deal with usurious loans, the value of the income resulting from them must not exceed 5% of... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Open an investment account in Al Rajhi BankAl Rajhi Bank is considered one of the best banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It offers a wide range of banking services, while providing a number of investment options. An account can be opened through the... moreOpen an investment account in Al Rajhi BankAl Rajhi Bank is considered one of the best banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It offers a wide range of banking services, while providing a number of investment options. An account can be opened through the bank by following the following steps:تداول الراجحي Open the official website of Al Rajhi Bank. Click on choose to open an investment account. Click on the start icon at the bottom of the page. Write information such as the ATM card number and card identification number. Register the code related to the investigation. Click on the word Next. You receive a text message containing a confirmation code. Record the confirmation code in the space provided for it, then click on the word Next. Personal data such as name, email, and phone number are recorded. Click on the word Next. Register bank account information, specifying the level of investment experience. Specify the investment principal by... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The best company that distributes profits in the Saudi marketThe Saudi capital market is full of many major companies that are keen to distribute dividends to shareholders on a regular basis. According to the report issued by Al Rajhi Financial... moreThe best company that distributes profits in the Saudi marketThe Saudi capital market is full of many major companies that are keen to distribute dividends to shareholders on a regular basis. According to the report issued by Al Rajhi Financial Corporation, this is the list of the best dividend-distributing companies in the Saudi market:اسهم تعطي ارباح شهريه The Saudi Arabian Oil Company, known as Aramco, is the largest company that distributes dividends to shareholders on a regular basis. Saudi Basic Chemicals Industries Company, known as SABIC. Yanbu National Petrochemical Company, known as Yansab Company. The Saudi Petrochemical Company, known as the Advanced Company, is one of the developing companies in the Saudi financial and investment market. The Saudi Dairy and Food Products Company, known as SADAFCO. It is considered one of the most important Saudi companies that achieve continuous growth in its market value and profitability rate. It is keen to... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
French application trading services
The Fransi Tadawul application allows many distinguished services that can be used via mobile phone, such as:تحميل تطبيق فرنسي تداول Entering, changing or canceling orders. Create a special... more
French application trading services
The Fransi Tadawul application allows many distinguished services that can be used via mobile phone, such as:تحميل تطبيق فرنسي تداول Entering, changing or canceling orders. Create a special follow-up list with the ability to edit it. View the detailed performance of the stock, along with a summary of the performance. Possibility of knowing the depth of the money market. Access real-time stock prices. Continuous follow-up of all companies listed in the capital market. Executing trading orders anytime and anywhere through the application and the same user data from any mobile phone. The application includes a special help section; So that the trader can get help from specialists at any time. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
What are the types of uses of crypto currency?
Crypto currency is used as one of the means by which payment is made for various goods and services. In addition, it is used for several other uses, including:مميزات العملات المشفرة... moreWhat are the types of uses of crypto currency?
Crypto currency is used as one of the means by which payment is made for various goods and services. In addition, it is used for several other uses, including:مميزات العملات المشفرة Currency: The original method of using the crypto currency and the most obvious method. It is used to pay for goods and services and estimate the price for them. This is the same case in which other currencies are used, such as the US dollar, the euro, the Canadian dollar, or the Japanese yen. Bitcoin can be used to pay for goods all over the world. If the merchant accepts it as a method of payment. Use as an alternative: The use of crypto currencies is not limited to payment only, as it can be used as an alternative in the basic system for issuing the currency. The currency differs from being a tool or a money currency. Using it as a tool is considered a way to preserve its value for its holders inside the network, and currencies that have a basic function... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How investment funds work
Investment funds, whether local or international, rely on pooling capital from several investors, and then the collective capital is used to purchase securities, including stocks, bonds, and others, according to the nature of... moreHow investment funds work
Investment funds, whether local or international, rely on pooling capital from several investors, and then the collective capital is used to purchase securities, including stocks, bonds, and others, according to the nature of each fund, and the process of investing and achieving returns and profits begins.أرباح شهرية ثابتةSince mutual funds do not limit their investments to one type of securities or one investment field, but rather invest in many different companies and fields at the same time, this provides a kind of diversification in the funds’ financial portfolios, which allows each investor the opportunity to choose... The type of investment that is appropriate for his financial goals, and the amount of risks that he has the ability to face and risk. The investor in investment funds participates in losses as well as in profits. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How to choose the best licensed trading companies in Saudi Arabia
The core of the work of any trading company is to facilitate buying and selling operations and the completion of various transactions. When a specific trading operation is carried out, the... moreHow to choose the best licensed trading companies in Saudi Arabia
The core of the work of any trading company is to facilitate buying and selling operations and the completion of various transactions. When a specific trading operation is carried out, the trading company supervising this process receives a commission of a certain percentage for each agreement.شركات التداول المرخصة في السعوديةThere is no doubt that the best Forex company offers its customers many advantages and is committed to applying the rules and regulations imposed by the bodies regulating the work of Forex companies. There are seven necessary points that must be present in all trading companies so that they can be judged as the best reliable trading company, which are:
The trading company provides all its clients with Forex recommendations. Licensed trading companies must provide market price forecasts. You should offer traders bonuses with clear terms and conditions. To provide traders with account... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Disadvantages of trading using harmonics
Despite the many advantages provided by using harmonics in trading, there are some common disadvantages as well, including:نماذج الهارمونيك pdf Harmonic patterns in technical analysis have many... more
Disadvantages of trading using harmonics
Despite the many advantages provided by using harmonics in trading, there are some common disadvantages as well, including:نماذج الهارمونيك pdf Harmonic patterns in technical analysis have many patterns. The sides that make up the harmonic pattern are always linked to the Fibonacci ratios, which is the main axis of price movements. Therefore, the harmonic patterns depend mainly on the Fibonacci ratios. If there is only one pattern, the trader can remember those ratios, but On the contrary, there are more than six harmonic patterns, which makes it difficult for the trader to study and remember all the patterns without using indicators or specialized software, in addition to the difficulty of identifying the harmonic pattern that can achieve success and provide large gains. One of the most common problems that most beginners face is the possibility of conflicting signals emerging from harmonious patterns, especially those that develop in more... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How to sell shares in Al Rajhi via the application
Al Rajhi Bank provides all customers with the service of selling shares through electronic wallets in several different ways, including the method of selling shares in Al Rajhi using the Al Rajhi... moreHow to sell shares in Al Rajhi via the application
Al Rajhi Bank provides all customers with the service of selling shares through electronic wallets in several different ways, including the method of selling shares in Al Rajhi using the Al Rajhi electronic application through the following steps:
كيف ابيع اسهم في الراجحي After opening the Al Rajhi application on the mobile phone; The user account is registered by entering the data for the name and secret code. The application will send the activation code via text message to the mobile phone number registered in the Absher account. From the home page, click on the three bars icon located at the top right of the page. A window will pop up containing a number of options. Click on the “Investment” option. From there, click on “IPO Services”. Then click on “Sell IPO Shares”. The name of the company whose shares are to be sold is determined. Acceptance of company details is determined so as to display the current stock price in the... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How do I know my old shares?Old shares can be inquired about by using the national ID number or civil registry number. The investor is required to take a set of steps as follows:استعلام عن اسهم قديمةOpen the official account through the... moreHow do I know my old shares?Old shares can be inquired about by using the national ID number or civil registry number. The investor is required to take a set of steps as follows:استعلام عن اسهم قديمةOpen the official account through the social networking site Twitter.Click on the trading icon to register in the Twitter search box and click on the search word.Many search results appear so you can choose the appropriate service from them.The investor can choose from among the services that appear before him. He chooses the service that relates to stocks. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How to trade based on support and resistanceMost traders in the financial market rely on following the support and resistance levels very carefully to rely on in their trading, for a very simple reason, which is that when prices tend to bounce upward... moreHow to trade based on support and resistanceMost traders in the financial market rely on following the support and resistance levels very carefully to rely on in their trading, for a very simple reason, which is that when prices tend to bounce upward from the support level, then the natural reaction is to search for reasons to buy, and these are usually represented by: The reasons for the emergence of a bullish pattern, such as an inverse head and shoulders pattern or a double or triple bottom pattern, or due to the emergence of a bullish pattern from Japanese candlestick patterns, such as a hammer pattern.حساب نقاط الدعم والمقاومةOn the other hand, when prices tend to bounce back from the resistance level, the natural reaction is to look for reasons to sell. These reasons come in many sizes and shapes, and include the appearance of a head and shoulders pattern, a double top pattern, or a triple top pattern. Other reasons for selling are the appearance of the pattern. Bearish... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Al Rajhi trading commissionThe Capital Market Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued new decisions regarding the commission of various banks on the sale and trading of stocks, and the Al Rajhi trading commission was as follows:الراجحي... moreAl Rajhi trading commissionThe Capital Market Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued new decisions regarding the commission of various banks on the sale and trading of stocks, and the Al Rajhi trading commission was as follows:الراجحي تداول السوق الامريكيAs of July 1, 2022, the value-added tax has been raised to 15% instead of 5%.The VAT rate is applied only to the value of Al Rajhi Trading Commission and not to the value of the transaction as a whole.The Capital Market Authority's share of 2 points is not subject to value-added tax, but the rest of the commission value is subject to tax.Al Rajhi Bank's commission on stock sales through it is estimated at 5 Saudi riyals for every 10,000 riyals of the total value of the transaction.Proceeds from securities trading are exempt from value-added tax, according to the Zakat Department in the Kingdom. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Saudi Misk Company indicatorsThe indicators of the Middle East Specialized Cables Company (MiSK) in the Saudi stock trading market are as follows:سهم نقيThe market value of Misk Company is 800.80 million Saudi riyals.The number of company shares is... moreSaudi Misk Company indicatorsThe indicators of the Middle East Specialized Cables Company (MiSK) in the Saudi stock trading market are as follows:سهم نقيThe market value of Misk Company is 800.80 million Saudi riyals.The number of company shares is 40 million publicly traded shares.The profit of Misk Tadawul shares in the last 12 months amounted to 16 Saudi halalas.The book value for the last announced period is 8.89 Saudi riyals.Operating profit multiple in the last 12 months: negative.The book value multiple is 2.25.The value of the facility is 875.17 million Saudi riyals.The average return on shareholders' equity in the last 12 months is 1.83%.The return on average assets in the last 12 months is 0.92%. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How to use harmonic patterns in tradingEach pattern provides a potential reversal area, but does not necessarily provide a specific price. The reason for this is that there are two different projections formed from point D.نموذج هارمونيكIf... moreHow to use harmonic patterns in tradingEach pattern provides a potential reversal area, but does not necessarily provide a specific price. The reason for this is that there are two different projections formed from point D.نموذج هارمونيكIf all the expected levels are close to each other, the trader can enter a trading position in this area. If the projection zone spreads, it is better for the trader to look for further confirmation of the price moving in the expected direction. For example, a long-term projection zone on a chart where levels diverge by 50 points or more. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The legitimacy of shares in trading is due to the activity in which they operate in accordance with Islamic Sharia, and shares become permissible to trade in, whether they are Arab, American, or international, especially since when you buy a share in a... moreThe legitimacy of shares in trading is due to the activity in which they operate in accordance with Islamic Sharia, and shares become permissible to trade in, whether they are Arab, American, or international, especially since when you buy a share in a company, it means that you are buying the ownership right to that share, and when you buy a share in a company A global company, such as Exxon Mobile, is a partial owner, with the possibility of making a profit from the distribution of periodic dividends and the increase in the value of the stock in the financial market.الاسهم الحلال السوق السعوديIn this method, earning money is permissible, but it is necessary to know the financial system of international companies, and to comply with the conditions of Sharia. The company’s debts must not exceed a third of its capital, and the net profits from usury must not exceed 5% in accordance with the conditions. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
How to sell shares in Al Rajhi using the phoneAl Rajhi Bank provides a way to sell shares in Al Rajhi Bank via the bank’s phone banking number, in order to facilitate customers to carry out their sales transactions with ease by following the following... moreHow to sell shares in Al Rajhi using the phoneAl Rajhi Bank provides a way to sell shares in Al Rajhi Bank via the bank’s phone banking number, in order to facilitate customers to carry out their sales transactions with ease by following the following steps:From any landline or mobile phone, call the unified phone number of Al Rajhi Bank.To choose the Arabic language to complete the conversation, press the number 1.The personal identification number of the customer's account is entered.To make financial transfers, press 1.To pay bills, press 2.طريقة بيع الاسهمTo go to beneficiary services, press 4.To activate the service, the beneficiary must press 1.To activate the service of selling shares in Al Rajhi from another local bank, press number 2.A voice message from Al Rajhi Bank is heard over the phone, which includes the name of the bank and the customer’s account number.The account through which the client wishes to trade is selected so that the service of buying and selling shares can... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Stock market players are a group of people, companies and institutions who own a huge share of shares in the trading market. Whether it is the stock market or currencies. منتدى الهواميرStock market tycoons have huge amounts of money. They... moreStock market players are a group of people, companies and institutions who own a huge share of shares in the trading market. Whether it is the stock market or currencies. منتدى الهواميرStock market tycoons have huge amounts of money. They are always on alert and waiting for appropriate opportunities and decisive moments. In order to buy or sell shares at any time according to the supply and demand situation for these shares.
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Obtaining halal stock brokers to start trading in them, to ensure this you must deal with one of the best professional brokers specialized in Islamic trading, and they have been working without suspicion of usury for several years.ما هي الاسهم... moreObtaining halal stock brokers to start trading in them, to ensure this you must deal with one of the best professional brokers specialized in Islamic trading, and they have been working without suspicion of usury for several years.ما هي الاسهم الحلال في السوق السعودي؟All Islamic laws are also complied with, which are of great importance to Muslims because they search for halal stock brokers all over the world, to ensure that these stocks do not conflict with the stipulated Islamic Sharia decisions. These companies must be working in a field that achieves legitimate gain for the person. It relies on areas that are beneficial to society, and does not work in things forbidden by Sharia less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Al Rajhi trading commissionThe Capital Market Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued new decisions regarding the commission of various banks on the sale and trading of stocks, and the Al Rajhi trading commission was as follows:عمولة... moreAl Rajhi trading commissionThe Capital Market Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued new decisions regarding the commission of various banks on the sale and trading of stocks, and the Al Rajhi trading commission was as follows:عمولة تداول الراجحي• As of July 1, 2022, the value-added tax has been raised to 15% instead of 5%.• The VAT rate is applied only to the value of Al Rajhi Trading Commission and not to the value of the transaction as a whole.
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Al-Baha Investment and Development Company records a decrease in its net losses in the second quarter of 2022 4130 تداولThe preliminary financial results of Al-Baha Company “Al-Baha Investment and Development” showed that the net loss in the second... moreAl-Baha Investment and Development Company records a decrease in its net losses in the second quarter of 2022 4130 تداولThe preliminary financial results of Al-Baha Company “Al-Baha Investment and Development” showed that the net loss in the second quarter of the current year decreased by 76% on an annual basis and on a quarterly basis it decreased by 96.24%.
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Inquiry about shares by civil numberThe civil number can be used to inquire about shares by following the following steps:It provides an Edaa website through which it is easy to inquire about shares using the civil number by accessing the website.Write... moreInquiry about shares by civil numberThe civil number can be used to inquire about shares by following the following steps:It provides an Edaa website through which it is easy to inquire about shares using the civil number by accessing the website.Write all the required data in the designated fields in order to inquire about stocks.Choose to start inquiring about the stock, so you can learn everything you want about the stock.The sender's data is recorded so that the shares can be known, whether he is an issuer, member, or anything else.All data is recorded, including the name, email, and contact number of the inquirer.Everything related to the shares is written so that inquiries can be made about them, with the possibility of submitting a complaint through the same link.
كيف اعرف اسهمي القديمة
Choose the word send.Inquire about stocks by visiting the main branch, and submit a complaint or inquire about everything related to the stock market.You can inquire about shares by... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The company offers a diverse number of financial assets for trading. One of the company's principles is that a successful investor is one who has a diversified investment portfolio of assets. Therefore, the company wants to make available approximately... moreThe company offers a diverse number of financial assets for trading. One of the company's principles is that a successful investor is one who has a diversified investment portfolio of assets. Therefore, the company wants to make available approximately 200 financial instruments in over five categories of financial assets. These include: (currency pairs, CFDs and futures, encrypted digital currencies, indices, commodities).
معلومات عن شركة xlntrade
One of the most important features of the company is that it allows trading in gold, which is considered one of the most important commodities on financial markets. Most investors even consider it a safe haven and resort to it in times of crisis. It is one of the best commodities for daily speculation and medium to long term trading and always provides great trading opportunities and huge profits. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Forex Fractal Strategy "Lightning" enables trading on EURUSD currency pair and time frame M15, H1 and H4. Author of "Lightning" Fractal Trading Strategies - Rodnikov Vladimir. We will use B. Williams fractals (fractals) and Fibonacci channels (FIBO... moreForex Fractal Strategy "Lightning" enables trading on EURUSD currency pair and time frame M15, H1 and H4. Author of "Lightning" Fractal Trading Strategies - Rodnikov Vladimir. We will use B. Williams fractals (fractals) and Fibonacci channels (FIBO channels) to chart.الربح من الفوركس
We work only on the MT terminal with a reputable Forex broker.
Indicator parameters for the FORES "Lightning" fractal strategy:
1. fractals with standard parameters.انواع العملات
2. Fibonacci channels - delete all default values (Fibonacci tab) 15 and set-tiprotsentnye zones (4 levels: 0.15, -0.15, -0.85, -1.15). Graphically, there is a channel with two lines on each side of the door.
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doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
Opening a short position according to forex patterns of the "Price Memory" strategy:
1. We need an uptrend that is well established and has at least 3 or more consecutive higher declines.
2. Wait for the upward movement to begin after the retracement... more
Opening a short position according to forex patterns of the "Price Memory" strategy:
1. We need an uptrend that is well established and has at least 3 or more consecutive higher declines.
2. Wait for the upward movement to begin after the retracement (retracement - rollback), i.e. the price adjustment will begin.
3. expect a recovery size - this must be between 38.2% or more of the size until the movement.أساسيات-التداول
4. open positions in two stages: 50% by volume (does not deposit and the total position that the trader considers to be based on the amount of the deposit) - enters short (sell) from (position №1) after the next price movement to the maximum of the previous movement. This is the price that pumps the "double cannon".فتح حساب فوركس تجريبي مجاني
5. We expect the size of our expedition. This value will be equal to the Stop Loss (see below the level), as well as 50% of which we will open position №2, the volume of which will be equal to 50%.... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The "Price Memory" forex strategy is multi-currency and allows the trader to operate on H1, H4 and D1 time frames. You can also use smaller time frames, but the "Price Memory" trading strategy works better on TF hours or more.مصداقية شركة... more
The "Price Memory" forex strategy is multi-currency and allows the trader to operate on H1, H4 and D1 time frames. You can also use smaller time frames, but the "Price Memory" trading strategy works better on TF hours or more.مصداقية شركة FXDD
The essence of trading patterns of "Price Memory" strategies is based on the assumption that the level of support and resistance of patterns such as "double top" and "double bottom" continue to affect the market price, even after the breakout. Similarly, the magnetic field, these levels continue to create an attraction for the price in their favor after closing many positions on stop-loss.اكسنس
In fact, we are trading against the main trend - on a reversal with a "double top" or "double bottom", so it is necessary to use the skoda lock!
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The algorithm of measures according to the purchase of the pattern trading system, "is the MACD and the inner bar":
1. On the graph we see the formation "inside the candle." فتح حساب فوركس اسلامي
2. Movements and bars oscillator MACD... more
The algorithm of measures according to the purchase of the pattern trading system, "is the MACD and the inner bar":
1. On the graph we see the formation "inside the candle." فتح حساب فوركس اسلامي
2. Movements and bars oscillator MACD histogram is located above its zero level (buy zone).
3. Thus, we can expect a breakdown, so you will have to set a Buy Stop - a pending purchase order at a high (high) "internal trigger" doplusovav of the size range.
4. Stop Loss set just below the minimum (Low) "internal spark." اف اكس
From the position, it is possible to activate the Stop Loss of security, trigger a trailing stop or receive a return of the MACD oscillator signal. The latter option is the greenest and most profitable.
For short positions on the trading strategy "MACD and internal bar" in anticipation of selling (Sell stop) set below low (Low) "internal spark" + cheese and Stop Loss - "Internal spark" at the highest level (high).
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The trading system according to the "MACD and inner bar" patterns uses the trend movement in combination with the MACD oscillator signals.
Work, of course, on MetaTrader 4. from a reliable Forex broker.حساب تجريبي forex
The position according... more
The trading system according to the "MACD and inner bar" patterns uses the trend movement in combination with the MACD oscillator signals.
Work, of course, on MetaTrader 4. from a reliable Forex broker.حساب تجريبي forex
The position according to the pattern of trading strategy "MACD and internal bar" always opens with an explicit price movement (trend), and not in the apartment, although we saw an "internal spark."
The trend is determined by rising falls (rises) or lower rises (falls) of the candle, as well as in the direction of the moving average (or better, MA and histogram bars) in the MACD oscillator.
It trades a currency pair - any that is all or none, that constantly strives, time interval - and your choice.موقع توصيات مجانية
To define the term "inner candle (bar)", is Inside Candle (Bar). So, an "inside candle" is a candle that has a lower high (high) and a higher low (low) than the previous candle on the chart. This pattern can be interpreted as a short break in... less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
luxury perfumesAl-Harameen perfumes have proven to be the best.On the Al-Harameen Perfumes website, you will find wonderful products that suit different tastes. You can find the best luxury western perfumes, as well as wonderful oriental perfumes with... moreluxury perfumesAl-Harameen perfumes have proven to be the best.On the Al-Harameen Perfumes website, you will find wonderful products that suit different tastes. You can find the best luxury western perfumes, as well as wonderful oriental perfumes with the smell of oud, musk and amber.You can buy any product through the site and you will receive it wherever you are. There are many distinguished perfumes produced by 2021, which have many offers, such as Royal Musk Perfumeعطر المسك الملكي, in addition to Musk Royal, Musk Collection, Oud Rose, Amber Musk perfume, or Portfolio Euphoric Roots Al Haramain,بورتفوليو كيوبيدز روز الحرمين which is suitable for both sexes. less
doaausef3li 3li posted a topic in the forum News and Announcements:
The best in perfume
Al Haramain perfumes are the best, not only in the Arab world, but all over the world. They are original and have a good smell and have a long lasting scentمتجر عطورIt is wonderful to know that behind every bottle of... moreThe best in perfume
Al Haramain perfumes are the best, not only in the Arab world, but all over the world. They are original and have a good smell and have a long lasting scentمتجر عطورIt is wonderful to know that behind every bottle of Al-Harameen perfume there is a large team of experts, whether perfumers, chemists or innovators in the world of perfumes, who are keen to have the best bottle of perfume, and it is the one that every man or woman seeks to own.Now through the Al-Harameen Perfumes website, you can find the best types of perfumes, such as this Royal Musk perfume, in addition to Royal Muskرويال مسك, Musk Collectionمسك كولكشن, Rose Oud, Amber Musk Al Haramain, or Portfolio Euphoric Roots, which are suitable for both sexes. less
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