Do You Want to Know Factors that Affect the Longevity of Your S

  • Operating Conditions – The conditions your Syringe Mold operates in definitely have a corresponding effect on the lifespan of your mold. Will the mold be used in dirty or harsh environmental conditions? It can take a toll on your mold.
    Time between production runs – In general, the less time between runs the shorter the lifespan of your mold will be. The result of less time between runs is that molds may be less likely to get full mold maintenance between each cycle.
    Cycle times – Longer, slower cycle times can be less taxing on your molds, which in turn may help them last longer. The length of your cycle time is largely dependent on elements of your design, including wall thickness, as well as design complexity.
    Syringe mold material – The materials used to create your mold will also play a role in its longevity. Aluminum molds, for instance, won’t last as long as their steel counterparts. The materials being molded also play a role in longevity, as some materials will be harder on molds than others.

    If you want to have Syringe Production solution, contact us!