9 Great Meditation Tips for Beginners


    The first year of meditation is when most people give up the practice. To avoid this try these 9 meditation tips for beginners, they will assist you to improve your meditation retreat practice and get better results.

     1: Increase your curiosity about meditation, the more you learn about it, the benefits and how to apply it on daily life, the more motivation you will have to practice.

    2: Don't push yourself, as with any new habit you start cultivating, you need to have patience, if you want to get all the benefits at once it will be harder to continue with the meditation practice and convert it into a habit.

     3: Go to a meditation retreat, the best way to improve in your technique is by going to a retreat, it will give you enough strength to continue your practice and enough practical knowledge to meditate in the right way.

     4: Don't get discouraged, at the beginning is harder to concentrate and keep your mind focused for long periods of time. Know that this is normal and when your mind wanders you also can get benefits, just gently return to your focus of attention (the breath or the body).

     5: Experience what are the best times for you to practice and remember to keep track of your progress, any insight you get will be of great help and motivation.

     6: Search for mediators friends practicing the same technique as you, ask for their meditation tips and advice, the longer they have meditated, the better.

     7: Keep track of how your reactions to things and problems change in your daily life. In this way you can see how your practice is helping to improve your life.

     8: Practice daily, the best meditation tip for beginners is to start practicing daily, when you do it is like having a personal advisor about the technique and also as a motivator to keep practicing.

     9: Use an audio entrainment program, these kind of audios help you to achieve a meditative state easier. It also has some additional benefits like tuning your brain to more positive states of mind.

    Follow these 9 meditation tips for beginners and you will start seeing how your practice improve to the level where you become your own master then visit krishnavillage-retreat.com/.

    The Origin of Meditation


    When it is known what meditation actually is, it is easy to see that it is a natural phenomenon, a natural ability that we all have. The origin of meditation then, is us. Not that we invented meditation.

    We didn't. But meditation came about, or perhaps I should say that it became identified, under natural circumstances in a much earlier time. We no longer live naturally, but we still have meditation and we still practice it. But how did it come to be known and identified?

    Imagine that there was once a time and a place on this planet where life was lived naturally. The climate was mild enough that there was no need for excessive food storage, large wardrobes, or complicated dwellings.

     The people were intelligent, inventive, and had time for reflection. In other words, they were not driven to live life in survival mode. They had time. Though they didn't have technology as we think of it, they had their own: they could build beautiful buildings, some even carved deeply into cliff sides from the top down with uncanny accuracy and exquisite detail.

    They had time. They had time to build, and they had time to reflect. No one had to learn meditation, or even to learn easy meditation. No one went online to order a meditation cushion, a meditation audio, a meditation timer or sign up for meditation retreats and kirtan Meditation was just a natural part of life.

    As often happens when there is time in one's life to reflect, sooner or later one begins to reflect on the self, on life, on creation, and when the amazing, awesome magic of life and creation strikes the imagination, one begins to reflect on something higher and greater that must be behind it all, and reflection begins to take on greater depth.

    Eventually, one can only surrender to this higher and greater something in order to satisfy the gnawing itch to understand it. When this higher and greater something is touched, even briefly, the experience is so profound, so satisfying and fulfilling, that one just surrenders to it more. And more. And things begin to happen.

    In another installment, we will find out more about the origin of this natural meditation, its evolution to meditation techniques and what happens in the process of attaining the Touch of Truth.

    With more than thirty years of study and meditation practice in excess of eight hours a day, Durga Ma has tested what she has learned in her own lab, her meditation.