World of Warcraft Griefer was banned

  • When broadcasting live on Twitch, popular and respected streamers may be banned for unknown reasons. For most players, this is a devastating result. But sometimes, some players who should have been banned from live streaming are not banned. This may be because they somehow avoided it completely. Normally, this situation may cause some controversy, but it did not Buy WOW Classic Gold happen in World of Warcraft streaming media TinyViolin69. This is because TinyViolin69 unites the audience in different ways. Most people celebrated the ban, but did not unite to defend the ribbon.

    For those players who don't know TinyViolin69 very well, the sadness of TinyViolin69 in World of Warcraft Classic is well known. Although there is no technical cheating, it is an act that makes other players' games worse. Although this behavior alone does not constitute a ban, the streaming media has been paid for running at the same time and received 16 different accounts that have been added, destroying the gaming experience, and will be issued a ban.

    In World of Warcraft, players who strive to achieve the hard work required to succeed will have a huge advantage, because the World Buff website plays an important role in PVP. So many players are very dependent on them. Taking advantage of this, TinyViolin69 spent a lot of time on the World Buff website, and immediately dispelled the player’s gains after being acquired, thereby destroying the games of others. There is no doubt that players and audiences are very repulsive of TinyViolin69's approach.

    Most players generally think that the ban on r/livestream is what he deserves. Because his behavior was actually broadcast live for everyone to watch, this decision was shocking and did not add anything to the game in any way. Although Blizzard did not disclose how long the ban will last, it may eventually end indefinitely. It is difficult for TinyViolin69 to solve this problem by simply creating a new account. Given its popularity, if it does so, his own Twitch viewers are very likely to report it, so it is difficult for TinyViolin69 to come back after being banned, at least not Will be back soon.

    However, that is just a guess that TinyViolin69 will not come back soon. In fact, no one knows how long the ban will last or how TinyViolin69 will deal with the ban. There are even related reports that the WOW Classic Gold streamers are charging real money from some players in order to prevent players from being dispersed.