WoW Classic Gold Farming Guide: How to Making more WoW Gold

  • WOW Gold Classic is the standard currency in World of Warcraft Classic. Making gold in Classic WoW is a lot different from retail WoW. We are not talking about making millions of gold anymore, and that’s what makes it fun in my eyes. Gold is much harder to come by, and more fun to farm as you have to have some skill.


    There are so many things to be gathered in the game – ore, leather, herbs, fish, linen, mageweave, gems, stones, etc. There is much gold to be made from all these reagents.

    Gathering is a good way to begin money making. Just find resources to gather or to mine while leveling your character, especially if you are trained in skinning. Note to yourself – you cannot pass 225 skill mark in your professions until you are at least level 35.

    A major tip here – you should always sell gathered items at the auction house and use your bank alts to make this process optimized. You should also try to find constant buyers for the mats, they are out there – just ask in the chat and keep your eyes open on the trade chat. That will keep your sales consistent and will save you some time needed to put mats on the AH.

    Farming is more suitable for higher level characters (level 40-50+). Farming works around instance runs, killing named bosses multiple times, running dungeons again and again for the chance of getting a desired drop and farming mobs in different areas and spots.

    That approach to making gold takes more time than a road of gathering, and the payoff might be higher, depending on the cost of different items at the auction. That means you can make a 20 gold in a day, or 100g, depending on what drops you get (which is random).

    Max Out Crafting Skills

    As risky and costly as it might sound, having two crafting skills will pay off in the long run. Besides the fact that you have two skills to upgrade your gear, you will have two skills to choose from to make gold with. In every expansion or patch, some skills swing from being stagnant to in-demand. Having two crafting skills will allow you to take advantage of the situation. You may pay a lot for materials, but you could also craft items using supplies provided by people, which people tip plenty for.

    On the flip-side, having two gathering skills is virtually all profit with no loss. With a lot of effort and time, you can have a lot of resources to sell off on the Auction House. Just ensure you follow tip one so you get as much money as possible. It's debatable on what those skills should be, but Mining should be one of them. Ore has always proven to be one of the most valuable resources to sell. With a lot of hard work, you can become rich in no time.

    Bank alt

    An alt (secondary character) in a capital city is an effective way to not only cheaply increase your available bank space, but to be a simple savings and auctioneer account. This character can serve as your bank, an auctioneer, bag-space creator and a time saver. Get one. (There may or may not be Item Recovery issues with characters below level 10, in cases where one's account is hacked.) You can use these player characters doing Quest and transfer gold to the main character.

    Farm Dungeons

    Grab a few friends and visit dungeons - or return to low-level dungeons when you've reached at least level 50 to sack plenty of useful loot during solo mass killing: Here's where mage, sorcerers, and hunters have clear advantage due to their area damage.

    For the future sale of endgame materials such as essences of Undeath, Righteous Baubles and Dark Runes, Scholomance and Stratholme are especially worthwhile. Easier achievable low-level dungeons with lots of trash mobs should be used for resource-gathering, as it's just materials and disenchanted items that promise a secure income.


    Fishing is one of the more lucrative professions, and one everyone can get. It's something you'll want to level up, because fish you can catch like Stonescale Eel and Nightfin Snapper sell very well on the Auction House because they are both used by raiders in either potions or for food.

    Flip the Auction House

    Auction House is a place where you can buy an item and relist it for a higher price, netting yourself the profit. If you’re good at flipping Auction House, the you can make a huge amount of WoW Gold in a very short space of time.

    So you’d better spend every day scanning the auction house by using some WoW Classic addons at the current price of enchanting materials at low prices (such as “strange dust”), and then checking the prices of the green items that people post for sale, which generate dust when they are disenchanted. Enchantrix mod will show you the best guess for each disenchantment. This way can be a fast way to get WoW gold.

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