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Earl Grey Tea 25 Bag Wooden Box

    • 3359 posts
    October 28, 2022 10:53 PM EDT

    Our Earl Grey Tea 25 Bag Wooden Box follows the Earl’s tradition. An unbelievable aroma that portends an unbelievable taste. The lemony touch of the Bergamot is it’s hallmark. By far, the best Earl Grey Tea you’ve ever tasted.Get more news about Wooden Box Of Tea,you can vist our website!

    Earl Grey Tea is enjoyed the world over by real people who appreciate its depth of character, sweet citrus notes, and palate cleansing finish. The tea is however also enjoyed by people who are not real in any way, other than on the printed page or silver screen. Perhaps more than any other tea, Earl Grey appears to have been the beverage of choice for one fictitious character after the next. From James Bond, to Star Trek’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard, to Sir Leigh Teabing of the DaVinci code, Earl Grey holds a special place in the world of storytelling. And why not? The tea itself has quite a story having apparently been given as a gift to a British diplomat by a Chinese Mandarin in thanks for saving his life.

    Tea flavored with bergamot to imitate the more expensive types of Chinese tea has been known in England at least since the 1820s. but there is no known published reference to an ‘Earl Grey’ tea before advertisements by Charlton & Co. of Jermyn Street in London in the 1880s, though ‘Grey’s Tea’ is known from the 1850s.

    The Earl Grey blend, or “Earl Grey’s Mixture”, is assumed to be named after The 2nd Earl Grey, British Prime Minister in the 1830s and author of the Reform Bill of 1832. Lord Grey reputedly received a gift, probably a diplomatic perquisite, of tea flavored with bergamot oil. Bergamot orange is a small citrus tree which blossoms during the winter and is grown commercially in Calabria, Italy.

    According to one legend, a grateful Chinese mandarin whose son was rescued from drowning by one of Lord Grey’s men first presented the blend to the Earl in 1803. The tale appears to be apocryphal, as Lord Grey never set foot in China and the use of bergamot oil to scent tea was then unknown in China.

    According to the Grey family, the tea was specially blended by a Chinese mandarin for Lord Grey, to suit the water at Howick Hall, the family seat in Northumberland, using bergamot in particular to offset the preponderance of lime in the local water.

    These teas in the wooden boxes are perfect for gift giving, or make them a gift to yourself, since we don’t carry all these flavors In our loose tea selections. We have other teas in the boxes you might want to look at. Since we tend to carry these wooden boxes during the holidays and our flavors can vary, we might not have them all in stock all year long.