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Computer-Aided Design [CAD] in construction

    • 3359 posts
    December 5, 2022 10:21 PM EST

    Computer-Aided Design [CAD] is a software used by structural engineers, architects, contractors and project managers to create precise drawings and illustrations of new buildings or project plans. It can be either two-dimensional or three-dimensional. It pinpoints accurate measurements, spots design flaws, and conducts advanced analysis on designs. All computer-aided design software will have X (horizontal), Y (vertical), and Z (depth) coordinates. Using these coordinates, allows users to create two – or three -dimensional models, depending on the requirement.To get more news about cad designer software, you can visit shine news official website.

    Technical drawings using 2D/3D CAD software give you the exact shape, dimensions and composition of an object with a view to its fabrication. There are two types of drawings. The first is a drawing done without instruments, known as a sketch. The second is a drawing done with instruments, known as a final drawing.
    Once the design is ready the drafters use computer-aided design (CAD) software to develop floor plans, building permit drawings, building inspection plans and landscaping layouts.

    CAD software for drafting can be used to draft designs more quickly and with greater precision, without using stencils and technical drawing instruments. It also allows users to document and annotate drawings with text, dimensions, leaders and tables. 2D/ 3D technical allows a technical drafter to make revisions in case of errors, which is more reliable compared to manual drawing where the drafter will have to redraw from scratch.

    CAD for Solid Modeling

    CAD Solid Modeling is considered one of the common practices used by different vendors for outsourcing purposes because of increasing construction costs and making complex structures. The type of software uses new-age tools for modifying, creating, analyzing, and optimizing models of the object or to create animation and special effects of building and projects. Its functions include;
    CAD solid modeling comes in three types, 3D CAD for wireframe, 3D CAD for surface modeling and 3D CAD for solid modeling.

    Discussed above are the different advantages and different types of CAD used in construction. In upcoming articles we will discuss the complete analysis of advantages it brings for project managers, contractors, architects, structural engineers and also on different CAD design drafting solutions used in construction.