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Ballistic armor is no longer a heavy subject

    • 3359 posts
    December 19, 2022 1:20 AM EST

    Ballistic armor is no longer a heavy subject

    Anyone who has had to carry heavy gear and protection knows it is a burden on the human body over long periods and can lead to back problems among other physical issues.To get more news about Hard Armor panels, you can visit official website.

    What you may not realize is that the extra burden also fatigues the wearer faster – which can cause mistakes to be made in the field – leading to poor decision-making, possible casualties and even lawsuits. Any of these can negatively impact officer and agency morale and lead to financial claims against local government.
    Advances in soft body armor have made panels nearly weightless, but even the best cannot protect against higher-energy handgun rounds, rifle rounds, many sharp objects, or the impact of an explosion. This is where hard armor plates come into play. As everyone knows, armor only protects you if you wear it, but it's sometimes hard to convince yourself to add another 5lbs of protection to your kit.

    Less weight added to the wearer boosts durability and endurance during extended situations, such as hostage negotiations, SWAT operations and prisoner transfers. Lower weight also means less heat build-up, less restriction in body movements, and improved ability for maneuvers such as running and jumping, leading to an overall enhanced performance by the end-user. This decrease in fatigue keeps the user sharp and ready to react and decreases errors caused by exhaustion or overextension.

    The answer to all of the above is thin and lightweight hard armor plates. How thin and lightweight? What if I showed you an NIJ LEVEL III ICW plate that is 0.5 inches thin, only weighs 1.6 pounds, and yet can protect against 7.62x51mm, 7.62x39mm and 5.56x45mm?

    American Blast Systems (ABS) Level III ICW ballistic plate is the lightest on the market. And unlike competitors that offer armor that “meets NIJ standards,” all of ABS’ products have been tested against and passed the 0101.06 NIJ Standard for the applicable Level (III, IV, or III+) at NIJ approved testing facilities. This protocol means the plate you buy will offer the same or better protection at up to half the weight of competing plates.
    It’s a dangerous world out there when even firefighters are being targeted. Just like the military, firefighters have more gear and equipment to carry with them than the police. Firefighters and the military also are exposed to potentially dangerous and unpredictable situations. Thus, they require protection from any threats that could be fatal, including from live fire/bullets, while still being mobile enough to do their job. Again, the answer is Level III ICW plates, which offer military and first responders a lightweight solution as the plates don’t add a lot of extra weight to their already heavy haul.

    This lighter load is especially important for those required to perform their duty in extremely hot temperatures or wear their gear for prolonged periods. Using ABS plates means they have less of a burden to carry around, letting them wear plates for longer and still be comfortable and protected.

    Some professionals, like personal protection, security officers and undercover or surveillance agents, require ballistic protection without alerting the public that there is a possible threat. Public environments such as shopping centers, theme parks, businesses and conventions need to be careful in how their security personnel conduct themselves.

    If protection professionals come in wearing helmets, vests and other armor, they can appear hostile or even cause a panic. However, these same people need protection if anything goes down. This calls for thin lightweight plates that can be worn under clothing that offer protection in the event of a threat.