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New 2D CAD Software for Linux is Available for Testing

    • 3359 posts
    February 8, 2023 9:26 PM EST

    New 2D CAD Software for Linux is Available for Testing

    Designers, makers, engineers, and hobbyists now have a new tool they can use to tackle 2D computer-aided design (CAD) projects on Linux.To get more news about cad software company, you can visit shine news official website.

    Design is a 2D CAD app for Linux created by developer Daniel Wood. The app has a noble aim: provide a first-class, native CAD software experience on Linux as free, open source software. It already has a small but functional feature set that makes a promising first impression.
    For background, Design began life as an app created for the Ubuntu Phone, before switching to a web-based incarnation following Canonical’s cancellation of its mobile project.

    But with the Linux Phone scene in better health today, the hands behind Design have chosen to “reinvent” it as a GNOME app so that a powerful, native 2D CAD experience is available for free, on Linux, across all form factors, including smartphones and tablets.

    The ‘catch’? As of writing Design is not a finished, stable app. However, an alpha release is available to download and install from Flathub. This will help get the app into maker’s hands early, and help steer development efforts going forward.

    So while you shouldn’t entrust a mission-critical design project to Design just yet, by all means try it out, see what it can do, and help improve the areas it can’t by filing bug reports, submitting considered feature requests, or (most helpfully of all) contributing to the code.
    In product and industrial design, CAD is used mainly for the creation of detailed 3D solid or surface models, or 2D vector-based drawings of physical components. Throughout the engineering process, CAD will be used from conceptual design and layout of products, through strength and dynamic analysis of assemblies, to the definition of manufacturing methods; these enable engineers to interactively and automatically analyze design variants, to find the optimal design for manufacturing while minimizing the use of physical prototypes.

    CAD Interoperability is always a concern for organization who works with multiple CAD software files. CAD interoperability improve design reuse, collaboration between internal colleague and external supplier, in return, improve engineering organization effectiveness and productivity.