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Is "The Mech Touch" story going downhill after 1000 chapters??

    • 3359 posts
    February 24, 2023 12:34 AM EST

    Is "The Mech Touch" story going downhill after 1000 chapters??

    So far, even after 1000 chapters, MC is still an insignificant pleb being toyed and treated as an DISPOSABLE pawn... that too MC's current location is at the outermost part of the galaxy and In a weak state at the rim and weaker city in the state.To get more news about The Mech Touch, you can visit official website.

    From the pace the story is going the status of the MC doesn't seem likely to change even after next 1000 chapters.

    From the plot we know that there MC is in one the 3rd rate state's and there are 2nd rate and 1st rate super states as we move to center part of the galaxy.... and there's more than one galaxy in the story and seems like the galaxy MC currently is in not a strong one at that...

    The only reason I'm hesitating to continue the story because... I'm afraid the story will have SUPER RUSHED ENDING... since at current pace MC will still be an insignificant person even at 2000 chapters that too at the weakest region... all this 1000's of chapters developing insignificant characters only to be dumped when greater regions are involved with the MC....

    Can any one who are upto date to the current chapters, please tell how the current story pace is going ... and at how many number of chapters the story will likely end and is story going to be uphill or downhill after 1000 chapters...