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Energy Recharge Guide | How to Increase Energy Recharge

    • 3359 posts
    March 17, 2023 6:51 AM EDT

    Energy Recharge Guide | How to Increase Energy Recharge

    Energy Recharge is a character stat in Genshin Impact. Learn what Energy Recharge does, how to increase Energy Recharge, and how to gain Energy in this guide!To get more news about recharge genshin impact, you can visit official website.

    What is Energy Recharge?
    Energy Recharge refers to how quickly you regenerate energy with Elemental Particles and Orbs. The higher your Energy Recharge stat, the faster your Elemental Bursts will charge up!

    The base Energy Recharge stat is 100%, and you can increase this with artifacts, weapons, or character ascensions. A good Energy Recharge stat would be around 150%~200%, since that lets you use your Elemental Bursts freely!
    What are Elemental Particles?
    Genshin - Elemental ParticlesElemental Particles are tiny balls of light you collect to gain Energy for your Elemental Bursts. The Particles will give Energy to the entire party, but will give the most Energy to the on-field character.
    What are Elemental Orbs?
    Genshin - Elemental OrbsElemental Orbs are larger versions of Elemental Particles that provide you with more Energy. You usually get these from attacking some Boss Enemies, like Hypostases.
    The best 5-star Artifact set that improves Energy Recharge is the Emblem of Severed Fate. Your Elemental Burst damage will also scale based on your Energy Recharge!

    Energy Recharge from Artifact Stats
    Only the Sands of Eon, or most commonly called the ''Sands'' piece, can have Energy Recharge as the Main stat. However, Energy Recharge can still appear as a substat on any artifact piece.
    Weapons for Energy Recharge
    Some weapons also have Energy Recharge as their bonus effect. Such weapons are great for characters in a Sub-DPS or Support role, as they allow you to use Elemental Bursts more often.
    Characters with Energy Recharge Bonuses
    Characters have bonus stats that increase with every ascension. Here are the characters that have Energy Recharge as their bonus stat:
    Collecting Elemental Particles
    Energy can be gained by using characters' skills and abilities. Elemental Skills are usually the main source of Energy, but some Elemental Bursts (like Venti's after unlocking ''Stormeye'') regenerate Elemental Particles as well.