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    • 3359 posts
    March 20, 2023 2:45 AM EDT


    Class is in session—Welcome to Patch 4.0c! It's the last balance patch for 4.0! We have some adjustments to a few champions and the release of Battle Academia Leona and Battle Principal Yuumi!To get more news about recharge wild rift, you can visit official website.

    Ahem…take your pens out and a blank sheet of paper, it's time for your final. Just kidding, there's no final, but this is the last patch of 4.0! Before we sneak our way into 4.1, we have a few balance adjustments, and the release of Battle Academia Leona and Battle Principal Yuumi!

    In the past, we shifted some of the damage and ratios around for Galio’s Hero’s Entrance, but we’re going back on this. We’re also making a few other changes in order to buff up tank Galio builds as we have seen them falling significantly behind the Ability Power builds recently.

    While this Blade Dancer has been a dominant force in the jungle, she is performing below our expectations in the Baron Lane. To better balance her for both of these roles without making her irelia-vant in either, we’re reducing her jungle clear speed, while increasing the bonus magic damage she gains from maintaining maximum stacks of Ionian Fervor.

    Wuju like to show off your skill more with Master Yi? If so, we're here to help. We’ve seen Master Yi struggling to keep up with other junglers in higher levels of play. To give Yi players some more room for skill expression, we’re reducing the passive Attack Damage that he gains from his Wuju Style ability, but increasing the true damage he gains from activation Wuju Style at the right moment.

    Nautilus has been struggling to sink his foes and make impact in the Jungle so we’re increasing the damage he deals to monsters with his Riptide ability.

    Pantheon is falling off in the late game harder than we’d like to see. To address this, we’re increasing the passive armor penetration that he gains from ultimate at later levels.

    There are a lot of different build paths for Rengar, but several of them are overperforming in the early stages of the game. We’re cutting down on some extra power while preserving most of his scaling.

    Players have acclimated to Zeri’s lightning fast and zippy combat pattern, and she is overperforming at all ranks. So, we’re stuffing lightning back in the bottle and lowering her damage and reach.

    We know many players hope Zoe wins xD. But she’s been winning a bit too much, especially in situations where she can chain her Spell Thief drops and zoom around in teamfights. We’re cutting down on her movement speed, especially in the later stages of the game.