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Australia moves to ban engineered stone due to silicosis danger

    • 3359 posts
    April 28, 2023 2:49 AM EDT

    Australia is considering banning engineered stone after a joint investigation by three news outlets accused manufacturer Caesarstone of not doing enough to warn people of the dangers of working with the material.Get more news about Artificial Stone,you can vist our website!

    The Australian government has directed its national policy body Safe Work Australia to start exploring a ban after an investigation by newspapers the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, and current affairs programme 60 Minutes.

    The investigation, which was published on 19 February, alleged that the popularisation of engineered stone – a composite material commonly used for kitchen countertops made from crushed stone, such as quartz, and a binder – has led to a rise in cases of the lung disease silicosis in Australia.

    Engineered stone is safe when used as a worktop in the home but can be dangerous when cut because of the silica dust it sends into the air, according to the experts interviewed in the investigation.The media investigation was published at the same time as Australia's construction union launched a campaign calling for a ban on engineered stone, which has now been addressed by the federal government.

    Safe Work Australia has been asked to explore what a future ban on the products should look like and will deliver a decision later this year.

    This will include determining what percentage of silica in stone should be banned, with a licensing scheme covering those products with lower quantities. It has also been asked to examine how to deal with material that needed to be moved or demolished in the future.

    "Safe Work Australia have the expertise to be able to work through exactly where the line should be drawn," workplace relations minister Tony Burke said in a doorstop interview. "But wherever that line is drawn, it has to be drawn on the side of people being able to go to work and come home without a terminal illness."

    A decision on the ban is expected later this year, with the rules coming into effect 12 months later. It would make Australia the first country in the world to ban engineered stone, although New Zealand has indicated it may follow suit.Silicosis is an incurable disease caused by tiny particles of silica becoming embedded in the lining of the lungs. To contract the disease, people need to be exposed to high levels of silica over an ongoing period through, for example, drilling or cutting silica-containing material without protection.

    The investigation by the three news organisations profiled stonemasons and tradespeople in their 30s and 40s who experience typical silicosis symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue and have been given prognoses of just years to live.

    Lung disease specialist professor Deborah Yates described the symptoms as like being "strangled" or "having your lungs contracting from inside", and said rates of the disease had been increasing in Australia for the last decade.

    "I've never seen such young people with silicosis," she told 60 Minutes. "I think my youngest is 27. It's really distressing; I could not believe it when I saw these patients with such severe disease."

    While silica is also found in natural stones such as marble and granite, it is in lower quantities than in engineered stone made with quartz, which can contain up to 97 per cent silica, according to Safe Work Australia.