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What is CAD? - Back to Basics

    • 3359 posts
    June 20, 2023 2:50 AM EDT

    What is CAD? - Back to Basics

    What is CAD? Does it stand for Computer Aided Design or Computer Aided Drafting? What is CAD software and what is it used for? What is a CAD designer, and what do they do? Keep reading to learn the answer to these, and more, CAD-related questions.To get more news about cad software, you can visit shine news official website.

    What does CAD mean?
    Computer Aided Design is any design that has been created using the "aid" of a computer. This can be in 2D or 3D. From cars to video games, architecture to sewage systems, pretty much everything that gets designed these days is designed using the aid of a computer.

    There are lots of different types of CAD, for different fields; engineering, architecture, games design, etc. This means, you'll probably come across lots of other terms, such as "BIM", "CAM", "MCAD", "Generative Design" or "GAN Design", but these are really nothing more than different types of Computer Aided Design.

    WARNING! Another common (mis)use of the acronym "CAD" is when it is used to refer to the brand name "AutoCAD®". It's a bit like saying "coke". That's because AutoCAD® is something of a dinosaur in the CAD world. It has been going so long people assume that's it the only one CAD software package on the market. This is, of course, far from the truth. There are hundreds of, more modern, CAD alternatives, from BricsCAD® to Adobe® Illustrator!
    What is Computer Aided Drafting?
    "Computer Aided Drafting" generally refers to the act of creating 2D drawings using the "aid" of a computer. Although people sometimes use this term for 3D drawings.

    What is CAD used for?
    Computer Aided Design isn't used for anything. Computer-Aided Design is simply the act of designing with the aid of a computer.

    However, it is also common practice in the industry to shorten "CAD software" to "CAD" which might be a bit confusing to a newcomer! So, if you hear that something was "designed using CAD" it probably means that the designer used a CAD software package to create the design.
    What is CAD software?
    CAD software, such as BricsCAD®, is the tool that allows designers, engineers, architects, games designers, animators and more, to "talk to the computer". Without CAD software there would be no CAD!

    CAD software uses complex mathematical algorithms to display images in 2D and 3D on a computer screen or to send this information to a machine for manufacture.
    What is CAD software used for?
    As you might expect, CAD software is software that is used to design. Look at your computer, desk, chair, smartphone, computer games, and favorite animated movie. Almost everything these days has been designed using CAD software!

    Even software that is used to create a website or apps can technically be considered "CAD software" as it is software that is used to design. However, it is more typical to use the term "CAD software" to describe software that specializes in 2D and 3D geometry.