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UVA proxy server address change

    • 3359 posts
    July 6, 2023 10:51 PM EDT

    UVA proxy server address change

    UVA has made a change in the way it serves proxy URLs for electronic resources. If you access electronic resources directly through links on the Library website (or through tools like JournalFinder or Databases A-Z), you do not need to take any actions.To get more news about proxy websites, you can visit official website.

    If you have bookmarks to electronic resources, you will need to update those bookmarks. Please keep reading to understand how to avoid broken links when the old URLs are removed.
    What is happening?
    UVA is upgrading the server that enables faculty and students to access Library electronic resources from off Grounds.

    The URL for UVA’s proxy server changed from (or to You will need to change all your bookmarks that use the old proxy. For example,
    Why should I update my bookmarks?
    The old proxy address will continue to work for a short time, but in late spring 2023 the old proxy address will stop working.

    If you have bookmarked URLs for electronic resources, you need to update your bookmarks to avoid broken links when the old URLs are removed.
    Do as follows:

    On the menu sidebar, under SETTINGS, click Setup > Sophos setup, and then click the EAS proxy tab.
    Under General, select Restrict to Sophos Secure Email to restrict email access to the Sophos Secure Email app, available for Android and iOS.
    Under Internal, enter the Exchange or groupware server URL in Exchange/groupware server URL.
    Select Use SSL/TLS to use a secure connection.
    Select Allow EWS requests to allow mail client requests to the Exchange server’s Exchange Web Services (EWS) interface.