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Aseptic Liquid Filling Machine

    • 3359 posts
    July 24, 2023 2:18 AM EDT

    Aseptic Liquid Filling Machine

    Aseptic Liquid Filling Machine is made in pleasing matt finished stainless steel materials. The basic unit consists of turntable, Stainless Steel Stat conveyor belt, unique eccentric pre-gassing, filling and post-gassing. Highly efficient and precision built Stainless Steel 316L Syringes, non- toxic synthetic rubber tubing and easy reach compact panel.Get more news about Aseptic Liquid Filling Machine,you can vist our website!

    The minimal distance between filling and stoppering units reduces the risk of contamination. The machines are designed for operation in a sterile area and for use under laminar flow protection. The un-scrambler itself has been redesigned to eliminate dead ends and difficult-to-clean spots.
    The incoming dry vial (sterilized & siliconised) are fed through the unscrambler and suitably guided on the moving delrin slat conveyor belt at the required speed of the correct placement below filling unit. The filling unit consists of Filling Head, Syringes & Nozzles which are used for liquid filling. The syringes are made of Stainless Steel 316L construction and both, glass as well as Stainless Steel syringes can be used. A Star Wheel is provided which holds the vial during filling operation. A sensor is provided for ”No Vial-No Filling” operation. Syringes are mounted on eccentric block and driving through bottom main gear box. Volume can be either increased or decreased by increasing or decreasing stroke length of piston as per filling size. Syringes is having non return valve for sucking and delivering situation to avoid volume variation.
    Liquid will reach to filling nozzles through silicon transparent pipe. Nozzle will be having Up and Down movement with help of cam mechanism and it will come down when vial will be hold by starwheel for filling operation and starts filling when it starts to move up and after completion of filling operation, starwheel delivers six vials together on conveyor for rubber stoppering operation. Stoppering unit consist of Starwheel, Vibrator unit and Bowl. The sterilized and siliconised rubber stoppers stored in the vibrator bowl moves vertically to the rubber stopper chute. The vial is hold firmly by starwheel, which will be in continuous rotary motion and vial which is coming from filling unit get in to starwheel and move in rotary direction along with starwheel, during movement it will pick up the rubber stopper from the exit end of the chute and rubber stopper will be pressed by fix single pressing roller, which is spring loaded. Then vial further move on conveyor and collected on out feed starwheel for next sealing operation.

    Automatic Aseptic Liquid Filling Machine Model ALFM is designed for round shape glass Vials with maximum output up to 120 Vials per minute. The speed of the machine depends on nature of Aseptic Liquids, Vial Diameter, Fill Volume and Rubber Stopper size. Machine construction in fully Stainless-Steel finish including machine frame structure as per cGMP guidelines. Machine with built-in Turn Tables at In-feed and Out-feed with individual drives to match the speed of incoming and outgoing vials for smoother operation. All contact parts coming in contact with Liquids and Rubber Stoppers are constructed from SS 316 Materials. Machine model also available with vaccumetric type Rubber Stoppering System.