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What is Laser Cutting?

    • 3359 posts
    July 25, 2023 1:12 AM EDT

    What is Laser Cutting?

    Laser is an acronym which stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser is a concentrated beam of light that vaporizes material! You can engrave or cut a design onto a material’s surface. Get more news about laser cutting line,you can vist our website!

    Laser cutting and engraving is good for achieving highly accurate cuts and detailed designs. Find out which materials you can laser cut at EPL here.
    Customers can purchase materials from EPL or bring their own materials. Materials brought in by customers must be on EPL's Accepted List of Materials AND can be clearly identified by supporting documentation (e.g., receipt, original packaging).

    EPL will soon provide materials for purchase. EPL works with local suppliers, setting prices to recover the cost of materials.
    Getting Started
    To access this service, customers must have an EPL library card or equivalent and are required to complete:

    EPL's Makerspace waiver
    Fab Lab Safety 101 Training – Required to access any service in the Fab Lab. It is provided online and includes a video with a short quiz.
    Laser Cutter Certification Training – Offered on-demand as part of your first booking or through small group classes. The training will teach you how to setup a file for the laser cutting process and how to operate the laser cutter safely.
    Ready to Make Acknowledgement and Sign-in (check FAQ for more information).
    The laser cutting technology provided by Laser Photonics has multiple applications in the automotive industry due to its flexible nature. One application the tech excels at is cutting plastic components used in vehicles for dashboards, interior panels, trims and more. Laser cutting allows for precision cuts to be made quickly and effectively.

    "Laser cutting technology continues to be adopted worldwide in multiple industries due to its ability to save manufacturers money and time," said Wayne Tupuola, chief executive officer of Laser Photonics.