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Optimal Climate Control with Industrial Air Coolers

    • 3359 posts
    August 1, 2023 1:04 AM EDT

    Optimal Climate Control with Industrial Air Coolers

    Being situated on the global equator, India is known for its scorching summers, especially in the northern and central parts of the country. Many regions experience up to 40 degrees Celsius in the wake of summer, and nothing can beat this better than an air cooler.Get more news about Industrial Air Cooler,you can vist our website!

    An industrial air cooler is a swamp cooler that works on the natural evaporation process with the help of its mechanical parts. The critical parts of the cooler are the water pump, the device that circulates water from the reservoir to the cooling pads, the water reservoir where water is stored to cool the air, and the cooling pads, which are large porous pads made of synthetic materials that retain the water and make room for it to flow. And the last component is the fan, which draws hot air from the surrounding area and throws out cool air from its mouth.

    When the cooler is switched on, the hot air drawn by the powerful fan comes into contact with the water-saturated pad and absorbs the moisture from the pads, designed with the greatest possible surface area to moisten as much air as possible. In this process, the evaporated water molecules absorb the heat in the incoming air as they transition from liquid to gas. This energy conversion gives rise to a cooling effect and thereby reduces the temperature of the air going through the outlet. This cooled air is then pushed out of the outlet vent with the help of the large fan and into the industrial area, effectively lowering the temperature of the space.
    Energy saving
    Compared to traditional air conditioners, air coolers use a fraction of their electricity. This helps reduce your electricity bill and favors our already dying environment.

    Environment friendly
    Since air coolers operate on the natural process of evaporation, in contrast to air conditioners, which employ harmful refrigerants and greenhouse gases, they are the most eco-friendly cooling option in the market. Compared to air conditioners, they have significantly reduced carbon footprints, a win for nature.

    Humidifies air
    The evaporation adopted by air coolers adds moisture to the air because of the large amounts of evaporated water it generates. This is helpful for people with dry skin or itchy eyes and also prevents respiratory discomfort caused by excessively dry air.

    Easier maintenance
    Air coolers have a limited variety of mechanical parts, which makes them easier to maintain and renew in case of damage. Routine maintenance of an air cooler involves cleaning the cooling pads fixed on the sides of the fan, filling up the water reservoir, and maintaining its cleanliness to prevent any breeding of insects.

    Works in open spaces
    Locations like gardens, workshops, garages, patios, or any other open spaces where the air conditioners will not work are best suited for the use of air coolers. They will infuse the outside hot and dry air with water, spreading cold, moist air all around.