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LTSCALE and PSLTSCALE system variables in AutoCAD

    • 3359 posts
    February 18, 2024 11:35 PM EST

    LTSCALE and PSLTSCALE system variables in AutoCAD

    The dash specifications in linetype definitions are given in terms of drawing units. The LTSCALE system variable is used to control the global linetype scale factor in the drawing. Changing this scale factor, the appearance of linetypes in the drawing also changes. For example, an LTSCALE setting of 1 means that the dash length specified in the linetype definition is read directly as drawing units.To get more news about ltscale, you can visit shine news official website.
    When this linetype is drawn, it will have a dashed segment 12.7 units long with a gap of 6.35 units. If the LTSCALE system variable is then changed to 10, the line will be drawn ten times the scale, that is, 127 units long with a gap of 63.5 units. When viewing a drawing in a layout, it is needed to take into account the viewport scale in order for the linetype to display correctly. For example, a dashed line drawn in model space with an LTSCALE setting of 1, will be drawn 12.7 units long with a gap of 6.35 units. Switching to a layout that contains a viewport set to a scale of 1:10, everything within the viewport will be scaled down 10 times, including the linetype.
    When a drawing is viewed in a layout the lines are displayed relative to the viewport scaling factor. Setting the PSLTSCALE system variable allows to maintain the same linetype scaling for objects displayed at different zoom factors in a layout and in a layout viewport.

    For example, with PSLTSCALE set to 1 (default), set the current linetype to dashed, and then draw a line in a paper space layout. In the layout, create a viewport with a zoom factor of 1x, make that layout viewport current, and then draw a line using the same dashed linetype. The dashed lines should appear to be the same. After changing e viewport zoom factor to 2x, the linetype scaling for the dashed line in the layout and the dashed line in the layout viewport will be the same, regardless of the difference in the zoom factor.