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A Wide Range of Terracotta Sunscreens

    • 3359 posts
    July 1, 2021 5:53 AM EDT

    Good design should enable building envelopes to manage solar gain and an attractive way to do so is to use terracotta brise soleil, or sunscreen. We offer a wide range of terracotta baguettes to create sunscreens, wall claddings and visual screens, which can be designed into your building.Get more news about Terracotta Baguette sunscreen,you can vist our website!

    As an integral part of the façade, Sunscreens provide thermal comfort, let natural light in, and help reduce blinding effects without blocking visual contact with the outside. They allow designers to bring a façade to life whilst creating depth and play with shadows, whilst combining thermal comfort, sunlight control and optimisation of natural daylight.
    Before using or selecting any material, you need to know about it. Terracotta is the baked form of the earth. It is natural clay.

    Now let’s talk about terracotta cladding. It is a natural and raw form of clay, heated at a higher temperature without adding any chemicals. It is a cladding material that provides both thermal insulation as well as weather resistance and gives aesthetic facade.