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These $215 Oakley GWOT sunglasses

    • 3298 posts
    August 9, 2021 3:46 AM EDT

    One of the hardest things about being a decorated veteran of the Global War on Terror is that, being out of uniform, there are so few ways to alert people to the fact that you served.Get more news about best women's sunglasses brand,you can vist!

    Sure, there are Punisher stickers, Grunt Style Ts, and driver seat rants on Facebook Live. But what about a GWOT ribbon? Without it, would anyone even know to thank you for your service? Fortunately, proud vet-bro supporter Oakley has you covered.

    For just $215, you can alert everyone in your motivation zone that you may or may not have spent time in the sandbox — or just tooled around Camp Pendleton for six years — with the Oakley SI M2 Global War On Terror Sunglasses, as they are officially known.

    Each pair is adorned with a conveniently placed (supposed)GWOT ribbon on the brim of the sunnies, which, according to Army regulations, is awarded to “All service members on active duty, including Reserve Components mobilized, or National Guardsmen activated on or after September 11, 2001 to a date to be determined having served 30 consecutive days or 60 nonconsecutive days are authorized the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.”
    But why would you let something stupid like authenticity keep you from all that civilian worship? In fact, why not take it up a notch by adding this $24.99 pocket square from Pocket Square Heroes?