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Gold farming in WoW – old raids

    • 3359 posts
    September 22, 2021 9:55 PM EDT

    Gold farming in WoW – old raids

    Greed is good, and we all prefer our bags to be filled with copious amounts of gold. There are many ways to make gold in World of Warcraft, but in this article we will specifically look at the viability of farming old raids (between Wrath of the Lich King and Legion) for raw gold. This means that we simply take whatever we loot and vendor it for its value in gold. To get more news about safely buy wow gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

    Because this gold farming guide for old raids in WoW deals with raw gold value, we do not factor in the potential value of mounts, pets, BOE’s, and other cosmetics. It is very difficult to determine a consistent value-for-time-model, as the drop rate of especially mounts is very low and cannot reliably be predicted. In doing the research for this guide I got the Guldan mount on my first kill, including the potential gold gain from selling the mount would make this report very unbalanced. .
    We also stuck to non-pvp raids and avoided one-boss raids as the travel time to the raids was just not worth the effort in the end. Raids from the Classic and Burning Crusade eras are also left out, as they are simply not worth running for raw gold. For instance, Karazhan took us an average of 35 minutes across our tests and only netted 250 gold. It should be obvious that this is not worth the time. Finally, we did all the raids on Heroic 25-man difficulty (where possible) to keep the report balanced.

    With that said, let’s get into the stats. We start off with a list of all the tested raids from WotLK up until and including Tomb of Sargeras in Legion. If you just want to view a tier list without explanations, click here. After the complete list, we also offer a top 5 old raids for gold farming in WoW list for those that only want to know the top spots for raw gold farming. At the very end of this article we reflect on the question, “is it worth farming old raids in WoW for gold?”, and give our humble opinions on this important question.
    It should be pretty obvious that the Mists of Pandaria expansion is your go-to zone for the best raw gold farming from old raids. Travel time to these raids is also not exorbitant, so if you only have an hour or two available and want to farm some old raids, this is your best bet. Nighthold from the Legion expansion takes the fifth place and is also a good spot to farm some raw gold.

    This is probably the big question. Is it worth your time to farm old raids in WoW for gold? On a value for time basis and if you are just out for the gold, the answer is a resounding no. You can almost do anything else in WoW, and it will net you significantly more gold. But if that is not your singular goal, then it depends.

    Many of the old raids in WoW drop awesome mounts which you can either add to your own collection or sell for lots of gold on the auction house. The price of these mounts depend on each server, but because of how rare they are, you are sure to make lots of gold in any case. If you get mount drops while farming, it can significantly improve the value for time spent as these mounts can easily be worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold.
    The pet drops are much less rare, but you can still make some decent gold selling them on the auction house. Farming old raids are a headache for many people, and they will gladly pay decent amounts of gold to take the pets of your hands. You can also add them to your own collection if that is your thing.