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Colored Halloween contacts can pose serious health risks

    • 3359 posts
    September 22, 2021 10:13 PM EDT

    Halloween costume contact lenses — everything from cat eyes, zombies, to bright yellow or red lenses are all the rage. But if you’re considering going for a super spooky look by wearing these lenses, you might want to re-think your costume.To get more news about colored contacts, you can visit official website.

    Doctors and health officials across the country have issued warnings to consumers about the colorful contact lenses people buy to make their Halloween costumes look even spookier. According to them, the scariest part about these contact lenses is what they can do to your eyes.To get more news about colored contacts prescription, you can visit official website.

    Cheap over-the-counter Halloween lenses are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which means they carry a high level of risk.To get more news about colored contacts non prescription, you can visit official website.

    The Pennsylvania departments of Health and State and the attorney general issued a warning to Pennsylvania residents saying the lenses sold at Halloween stores are dangerous to people's eyes — and selling them over the counter is actually illegal.

    “You are at great risk for a serious injury if you use unfitted contact lenses that have not been prescribed to you by your doctor,” said Secretary of Health Dr. Karen Murphy. “Risks of using an unfitted lens include blindness, infections, allergic reactions or even the loss of an eye.”"If you're not careful, one night of using knock-off lenses to change your appearance can mean a permanent change in your ability to see for the rest of your life," said Dr. Ben Casella, president of the Georgia Optometric Association.

    Unfortunately, this was the case for a teenage girl in Mt. Clemens, Michigan, who wore a set of contacts purchased at a mall and ended up partly blind in her right eye. She had worn them only four hours.

    "A contact lens that's not fitting properly can squeeze the cornea and block blood vessels at edge of the cornea. It can be sight-threatening. Also, you don't know the source of the contact lenses, if they're sterile-packed, how old they are… It's just like getting a drug from Mexico online instead of your pharmacist," Dr. Elizabeth Becker, an optometrist in Oxford told the Detroit Free Press.