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Live video streaming app development

    • 3359 posts
    September 22, 2021 10:42 PM EDT

    The core basis we work on is your business needs: we can develop a live streaming solution from scratch, extend your existing live streaming application functionality or provide integration with third-party platforms.To get more news about moonlive, you can visit official website.

    For nearly two decades, we have been delivering the whole scope for video streaming solutions from set-top box design and video conferencing solutions to Smart TV apps for market leaders, niche companies and startups. That is a safeguard to provide clients with the following advantages:

    When transmitting real-time events online, the main thing is to make the user experience as unforgettable as offline. That is why solutions powered by Promwad are easy to access, easy to use, and secure.

    We guarantee an immersive UI/UX: we can integrate custom add-ons as interactive elements to reach the highest engagement or branding via watermarks with your logo for increasing your brand recognition.We can encourage your audience to share content with more audiences through the integration of social features. Besides, you can collect additional revenue thanks to the use of third-party advertisers.

    Our long-standing experience in Live Streaming application development lets us match each customer’s project and bring it to success on the world and local markets. We prove it below.