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    • 3359 posts
    October 8, 2021 2:48 AM EDT

    Everything wants you dead in the Pandemic World of Warcraft board game. Monsters never stop pursuing you across the wastes. Dark lords with suitably spiky armor make life miserable from afar. Dungeon-crawls are often fatal. Yet that's what makes the journey worth embarking on. This isn't the Pandemic board game we know; it's something new. Something better.To get more news about Buy WoW WLK Gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

    Officially called World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - A Pandemic System Board Game, it leverages two pop-culture juggernauts for the sort of crossover we're more used to seeing from franchises like Monopoly. And it's easy to assume the worst after hearing an ungainly name like that. But this Pandemic World of Warcraft combo blends the best of both IPs. It doesn't always stick the landing and won't supplant the original on lists of the best board games, but it's an exciting new foundation to build from all the same.

    As its rather clunky title would suggest, this version of Pandemic winds the clock back to 2008's Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack. It's the stuff of classic fantasy; an undead horde threatens to plunge the world into darkness, and your only hope of stopping them is by taking down their leader before it's too late. In practical terms, this means beating the snot out of the Lich King's lieutenants until he's the last man standing - at which point you can take the fight to him.

    The nuts and bolts of this will be familiar to anyone that's ever tried Pandemic; players have to clear the board of tokens (a ghoul army, in this case) while trying to conquer its many regions. Unfortunately, time isn't on your side. More ghouls arrive at the end of every turn, and they'll keep on coming until the table is swarming with them. Leave the little blighters unattended for too long and they'll spill onto neighboring regions in a domino effect that can quickly spiral out of control.

    But don't think it's the same old thing. For starters, ghouls will fight back. Plus, larger abominations appear if too many ghouls congregate in one space. These monsters actively chase you across the board like a miniature - and infinitely more gross - Terminator.

    This leads us to the biggest change in Pandemic World of Warcraft: combat. Rather than using an action to automatically get rid of tokens, players have to roll dice that decide whether they hit a foe or defend against a counter-attack.Questing is another new addition. To reach the Lich King and topple him from his throne, you'll need to clear three dungeons by contributing certain cards. Because each of the nine possible quests also strike back with negative effects that wear you down, they can be a real challenge for anyone that goes in unprepared.

    When combined with artwork pulled straight from WoW (to say nothing of detailed models), World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - A Pandemic System Board Game feels very different to its predecessors.