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The Burning Crusade Classic Mural

    • 3359 posts
    December 2, 2021 1:04 AM EST

    The Burning Crusade Classic Mural

    To celebrate the launch of The Burning Crusade Classic for WoW Classic, Blizzard ANZ commissioned a special mural in Sydney based on the expansion's iconic dark portal art.To get more news about buy wow gold safe, you can visit official website.

    The mural is located at the corner of Cleveland street and Woodburn street in Redfern. As you can see in the video below, the mural includes not only an excellent drawing of the key art, but also it has some projected elements that bring it to life in greater detail. Check it out below:
    "On launch night and ahead of the opening of the Dark Portal, the custom piece of artwork united physical installation and digital projection to celebrate all the adventurers who have ventured beyond the Dark Portal, and those who will for the first time in the coming days," reads a line from Blizzard ANZ's news release.

    The Burning Crusade Classic is out now for WoW Classic. It was the first expansion to the original WoW, and players can re-live the iconic landmark add-on once again.For lots more, check out GameSpot's interview with veteran Blizzard developers who told us about their favorite Burning Crusade memories, what it was like revisiting the expansion, and lots more.

    Mere moments after the official opening of the Dark Portal and the beginning of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic, Blizzard has announced it is experiencing a DDoS attack which may cause high latency and disconnections for players.

    A DDoS attack, or distributed denial-of-service attack, occurs when the bandwidth or resources of a particular system or server are flooded with traffic. It's become a sadly common occurrence for many online games over the years.Players on the game's subreddit report that the highly populated server Faerlina, where many of the game's biggest streamers play, seems to be taking the brunt of the attack.

    The attack comes just as Blizzard kicked off the launch of Burning Crusade Classic, when server stability was already of concern due to the huge number of players all crowding into just a few areas of the game's world all at once. To combat this, Blizzard employs the use of "layers," which siphon off groups of players onto separate instances of the same server, allowing for more stability and overall a more pleasant experience than having thousands of players all in one spot would allow for.