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New World Players Share What Makes Them Mad in the Game

    • 1735 posts
    December 7, 2021 9:52 PM EST

    New World Players Share What Makes Them Mad in the Game

    For some New World players who have been playing since the MMO's launch, now is a good time to take stock of their achievements and see what they like or dislike about it. Amazon Game Studios has been doing a great job at fixing New World's most prominent issues, such as the gold duplication glitch and the overall damaged economy from taxes on travels, and the developer has plans to link all the trading posts in the game in the future to further stabilize trades. Then, there is an ongoing trend on Reddit that sees players share clips of them reaching level 60 in various ways, be it dramatic or hilarious.To get more news about buy new world gold, you can visit official website.
    However, some New World players are not happy with everything regarding the game, from the way Faction Wars work to how much it costs to travel between settlements due to Azoth being a limited, capped resource. Other players might simply be unhappy with some design choices that made the overall experience more frustrating, like how AoE spells from Magical weapons don't hit enemies laying down on the ground.
    A Reddit user by the name of ckokoroskos shared a post about how infuriating it can be to fight Corrupted enemies, who heal themselves for lots of HP at once. The user then made a joke that whoever designed this was probably responsible for all those New World enemies that stagger players with far too many attacks, interrupting them. The post then started a trend with other players chiming in stating what it is that makes it disheartening to play at times, like boars in Edengrove chasing players for a long time, only to retreat once players decide to face them.
    Another player commented that who designed this is probably the same person who decided that players should walk slowly in the water, but other enemies can run and chase them as if it was nothing. Then again, another fan suggested that it might be the same person who created the Corrupted tentacles that flatten players repeatedly, making them unable to use spells or attacks to defeat them.

    The post was meant to be a way to express frustration, but the whole thread quickly became a source of good laughs for everyone in the community. Overall, New World players often want the game to improve in a way that makes it more enjoyable for everyone, and that's why many posts come in as suggestions. An example comes from a player suggesting how loadouts could work in New World, making it easier to equip different types of gear.