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Composite Molding Machine

    • 3280 posts
    December 15, 2021 1:02 AM EST

    This is a special machine equipped with a vertical clamping mechanism and a fixed plate slide mechanism that can be used for a variety of molding methods.Get more news about compression moulding machine,you can vist our website!
    Injection molding, injection compression molding, stamping molding, and compression molding are available.
    It can be used for composites made of various fibers.We can realize multiple types of molding such as "injection press molding", "stamping molding" and "compression molding" for various tests and product studies.

    In vacuum presses, this equipment is used for forming fiber reinforced sheets.
    This equipment with vacuum function is effective for voiding problems.
    It can also be used with heaters, oil, steam, and temperature-controlled water for temperature media.
    Press molding is the best way to produce thin, distortion-free products.
    We cooperate in the development of new products, including molds, with the technology we have cultivated through the molding of high-precision presses and optical discs and light guide plates.
    Precise surfaces for particularly exacting requirements: The ENGEL coinmelt injection compression moulding process allows for perfect quality in applications ranging from automotive glazing and optical lenses to moulding of filigree, micro-scaled structures.