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    • 1735 posts
    December 21, 2021 10:33 PM EST


    Harley Davidson sold the world a dummy when it revealed the Livewire electric motorcycle. Here was the world’s most traditional manufacturer stealing a march on everyone else with a production electric motorcycle: the world boggled but still sat up and took notice.To get more news about davincitech, you can visit official website.
    Fast forward to earlier this year and the announcement that Livewire would become a brand on its own, distancing itself from the traditional v-twin-powered bikes of the parent company.
    Since then, Livewire hasn’t been sitting idle. A new set of model developments has been announced, named S2, S3 and S4.S2 involves a new powertrain, called Arrow, that has been developed as a modular system that can be clothed in any configuration of bodywork to fulfil different roles: adventure, naked or sports bikes are all now easily configurable while the base remains the same.
    That first step Livewire is calling S2. S3 takes the Livewire concept and scales it back to create more of a mass-market bike that will be a lot cheaper to buy. A new partnership with lightweight and electric specialist Kymco will give Livewire access to Kymco’s mass production expertise and, possibly, its IONEX swappable battery technology.
    Livewire S4 will concentrate on using the latest in battery and motor technology in order to increase range and decreasing charging times.With Livewire being an electric platform, it opens up the way for a range of e-bikes and scooters for young kids, something that Harley itself could never do. H-D acquired the STACYC electric scooter brand a few years ago and this brand will sit within the Livewire umbrella.

    All this is great news for the future of Livewire, which recently not only announced the collaboration with Kymco but went public on the New York Stock Exchange. That isn’t the move of a company that’s doubtful about the future.