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Kitchen aluminium Plinth Corner Connector to ne Used with 140mm

    • 3359 posts
    March 25, 2022 10:17 PM EDT

    Kitchen Fixtures & Fittings For use with BG-UM500 Stainless Steel Effect Plinth. Please note connecter may differ slightly from image and will be a colour match to plinth. Will do 90 deg internal or external corner only not suitable for 1235 deg angles. “NOTE ON CORNER CONNECTORS the corner connectors may have either a straight or a curved corner as our supplier sources them from 2 different manufacturers and is unable to send one type or another. The image therefore will not be always accurate though both types will do the same job” All damages MUST be reported via email on within 24 hours of delivery.Get more news about Kitchen Aluminium Plinth,you can vist our website!

    These anodised aluminium plinth panels come in lengths of three metres, and are suitable for the standard 150mm Kitchen plinth height.

    Sized to precisely fit YellaWood Columns these plinths, or cleats, serve as a pedestal for your porch column keeping it elevated to prevents water absorption and allowing air to circulate. The hollow center allows tie-down or running electrical wires.These plinth blocks have been designed specifically for 6x6 Yellawood Columns.