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Tradera has crashed!

    • 3359 posts
    March 25, 2022 10:37 PM EDT

    Popular forex and money making, pyramid scheme, Tradera, has crashed.To get more news about traderia, you can visit official website.

    In an email sent to some of the scheme’s major vendors, the runners of the forex trading and education platform claimed that Tradera had ceased operation.

    Also,this morning, the most popular Tradera vendor restated Tradera’s crash on his Twitter account.

    In his words “officially from this morning, I’m discontinuing registration on Tradera till further notice”

    He also mentioned that he did not want to collect other affilaites’ money when he knew that they would not be getting paid back.
    He also talked about refunding some people but mentioned that he didn’t have all the data of the concerned persons.

    The runners of Tradera stated in an email to its major vendors that “all of our trading education content which was previously hosted exclusively for paying members is now hosted publicly for free via YouTube.”

    However, the runners of Tradera promised to launch “a great substitute for Tradera that makes a lot more money.” Information about the workings of the promised susbstitute was not disclosed.