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How Online Trading Scams Work

    • 3359 posts
    March 25, 2022 10:48 PM EDT

    One of the most prevalent online trading scams is to initially display profitable trades that give the investor a false sense of confidence, and get them hooked to the idea of ‘easy money’. Once this confidence is established, the investor will be marketed the idea of investing more money to earn greater returns. Additionally, other incentives may also be provided to encourage the investor to get their friends and family onboard the platform too.To get more news about opoforex, you can visit official website.

    Once the brokerage believes that they have extracted all available funds from an investor and his/her network, they will then proceed to suspend the account, and the investor will no longer be able to access the funds put in.

    Many fraudulent firms will even claim to be domiciled in a regulated jurisdiction, and display fake regulatory licenses and addresses on their websites to try and improve their credibility with unsuspecting investors.
    Be careful and verify your information through multiple sources. Constant vigilance should be applied at all times when sending money online.
    If you have lost money with, don’t panic. You are not the first and you likely won’t be the last. Mistakes can happen even with the most cautious of investors, and should be used as a learning opportunity.

    The good news is that there is help available. The team at MyChargeBack – a specialist group dedicated to helping consumers recover funds lost online – is available 24/7 and has helped consumers all over the world recoup millions of dollars.

    After filling out the form above, and validating your eligibility for their programs, MyChargeBack will help you build a solid case to regain your funds as soon as possible.