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World of Warcraft Reveals New Dragonflight Expansion

    • 3359 posts
    April 22, 2022 9:25 PM EDT

    After leaking earlier this month, Blizzard Entertainment has today officially revealed the next expansion for World of Warcraft that will be titled Dragonflight. Per usual, Blizzard opted to announce Dragonflight via a new cinematic trailer, much as it has done in the past. And while the new trailer on its own is likely enough to get many fans excited, it sounds like the expansion will also be bringing a vast number of changes to WoW.To get more news about Buy WoW Gold Classic, you can visit official website.

    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is poised to take players to the new region in Azeroth known as the Dragon Isles. While exploring this new locale will be one of the main offerings of Dragonflight, Blizzard is also introducing a new race and class known as the Dracathyr Evoker for players to utilize. Dracathyr Evokers have two different forms; one of these is more akin to a human, while the other resembles that of a dragon. In addition to this class, Dragonflight will also allow players to learn to ride dragons to fly about the Dragon Isles. To go along with this, the game's HUD is now being overhauled, the level cap is being increased, and a new Talent system is also being introduced.

    "The dragons of Azeroth have played a central role in the world's affairs, guiding the mortal races and influencing events with their considerable power—occasionally for their own ends," says Blizzard's official description of what Dragonflight will have in store narratively. "As their sacred broodlands reawaken, the dragons will call on the heroes of the Alliance and Horde to help reckon with the threats and mysteries that are beginning to surface."

    For now, WoW: Dragonflight doesn't have a launch window of any sort, but Blizzard is encouraging those who are interested to sign-up to take part in the expansion's beta at a later date. More information on this can be found at the official WoW website right here.