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Burning Crusade Classic Survival Guide

    • 1735 posts
    April 27, 2022 8:26 PM EDT

    Burning Crusade Classic Survival Guide

    The Burning Crusade Classic Honor system allows for players to participate in PvP combat and obtain rewards by earning honor points that can be accumulated and spent like currency on rewards such as items, weapons, and armor.To get more news about Buy WoW Items, you can visit official website.

    A significant change is that in Burning Crusade Classic there is no longer any ranking system associated with the honor system, so you no longer need worry about maintaining a rank or standing. Players still interested in ranking up by battling against others can participate in the Arena system, which is the primary form of competitive PvP in Burning Crusade Classic.

    Unlike WoW Classic's Honor system, honor points accumulate like currency (akin to gold and silver), and do not decay over time. This allows you to work towards PvP rewards at your own pace, which you can purchase as soon as you have enough points to do so.

    You can accrue up to 75,000 honor points, at which point you’ll stop earning them until you spend some. The amount of honor points required vary for each reward. For most items the honor cost is the most significant part of the item's cost, though Marks of Honor from various Battlegrounds are also required.

    Last but not least, dishonorable kills are no more. NPCs around the world are no longer set as civilians, so killing them will not impact your ability to obtain honor points.
    You can earn honor points in a very similar manner to the old honor system. The game tracks your participation in world PvP as well as PvP within Battlegrounds. As you kill enemies and assist your allies against the enemy, you earn honor. You can also earn honor points by daily quests and certain repeatable quests.

    When grouped with other players, honor is divided equally between the members of the party. Just like the bonus experience gained when killing monsters in a group, players gain bonus honor for killing players while in a group.

    If the character levels of some group members are significantly higher than others, the amount of honor gained by the lower-level members will be reduced, as it is with monster experience. Keep in mind that earning honor falls within the rules of experience gain, so players must be in the general proximity of an honor gain to receive a share.

    In battlegrounds, players can gain honor from defeating other players. However, there are also other methods of earning honor in the Battlegrounds besides player-vs-player battles. Every Battleground has special objectives that grant bonus honor to an entire side upon completion. For example, defeating an opposing side's faction leaders in Alterac Valley, or capturing a flag in Warsong Gulch, grants bonus honor to the entire faction's battleground team.