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WoW: Players rally in tribute to Hjasfarr

    • 1735 posts
    May 4, 2022 9:06 PM EDT

    WoW: Players rally in tribute to Hjasfarr

    This Friday, April 22, 2022, we have been informed of the passing of Hjasfarr , a great World of Warcraft Lore enthusiast and active member of some Blizzard MMORPG communities, including Evanessor and Malganyr , from heart cancer. 27 years old on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. His relatives wished not to reveal his real identity, so we have chosen to relay this tragic event by keeping Hjasfarr virtually anonymous, as well as focusing on his passion for the game as his relatives wished.To get more news about Buy WoW Items, you can visit official website.

    A march in tribute to Hjasfarr is organized in-game on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 from 8:30 p.m. Head over to the Evasor Discord server from Malganyr or BigBadHater, or follow this article for more details. We will be present there and will publish multiple captures of the event following this article.Although misunderstood by ordinary players and being what is commonly called an "anonymous", Hjasfarr distinguished himself particularly in the circles in which he evolved. Mainly active on the Evanessor Discord, he regularly shone with his benevolence and enthusiasm for the game. Hungry for knowledge and always on the lookout for the slightest novelty about World of Warcraft , Hjasfarr was one of these players. both discreet and radiant that we would hardly forget as his appearances were full of kindness and kindness .

    Having started World of Warcraft in 2016, Hjasfarr was an integral member of the new generation of World of Warcraft gamers. He liked to touch everything with his Human Paladin on the English-speaking kingdom of Silvermoon: sometimes in PvE, sometimes in PvP, but he was above all a great enthusiast of the history of the game. Especially that of the human kingdoms, Lordaeron in mind.
    Although few remember and appreciate it today, the history of the Human kingdoms of Azeroth fascinated Hjasfarr . From the peaceful Forest of Elwynn to the contested plains of the Arathi Highlands to the realms of Gilneas, Lordaeron and Kul'Tiras, all inspired the one we choose to honor today.

    He also greatly appreciated certain human heroes, especially Arthas Menethil , Uther and Anduin Lothar . But he also appreciated some of their companions... Invincible , for example, the deceased steed of Arthas Menethil ! So many interesting and surprising interests testifying to his fascination for these factions often considered unattractive at first glance by the uninitiated.The announcement of the news was felt like a cataclysm for players who used to chat with Hjasfarr on the Discord channels of the aforementioned content creators. Therefore, the latter have chosen to organize a procession in order to pay tribute one last time to the one who has shown passion and benevolence in each of his interventions.

    A funeral march was thus organized on Tuesday April 26, 2022 from 8:30 p.m. in order to honor Hjasfarr . All players wishing to participate are invited. The organizers wish, so that the march remains in the spirit of what the deceased loved, that the participants correspond to the criteria below. However, no player will be excluded from the event even if one of the criteria is not met, the objective being above all to come together for Hjasfarr .