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What Happened To Maurielle Lue Hair?

    • 3359 posts
    May 20, 2022 10:25 PM EDT

    Despite this, we don’t know what’s wrong or happened to her hair because the news anchor hasn’t revealed anything. In 2019, she gave a social media shout-out to Sieva Hair. That company is said to be behind the creation of her long silky tresses.To get more news about weave hair, you can visit official website.

    Lue was also used as a model for the company’s global launch. Charles Poole took the photos, Ahmad El of Energy Artistry Studio did the hairstyling, and Cassandra Ward did the makeup.

    Although there is little information about her hair situation, there is plenty about her health. She was hospitalized in April 2021 after contracting the coronavirus. She revealed it in an Instagram post, but did not reveal how she contracted the virus. She allegedly went out with her friends. But they didn’t get it.
    Lue discusses the illness and the recovery process in an emotional 24-minute video posted on April 3rd. She described her COVID-19 experience as one of the most difficult things she had ever gone through.The video shows her coughing several times and appearing to be very weak. She arrived at the hospital on March 28, 2021, the day after her 35th birthday. She thanked everyone for their prayers because she is a spiritual person.

    Her hospital discharge, however, was not the end of the story, as she began experiencing Covid-like symptoms six weeks into her recovery. Her symptoms, according to reports, differed from her initial diagnosis. Her heart would pound loudly just after twelve steps down a hallway, prompting her Apple Watch to congratulate her on completing a workout.

    Similarly, she had forgotten to feed her dog, Hampton. Even though she had her senses of taste and smell, the Covid forced her to lose weight because she had no appetite.She also stopped receiving phone calls because she couldn’t hear who was speaking to her.

    Lue also suffered from fatigue and chronic pain. Long Hail Covid symptoms include shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, organ damage, and short-term memory loss. The most difficult obstacle in her recovery was brain fog, a cognitive distortion.

    To commemorate the coronavirus situation she faced the previous year, she posted a picture of herself wearing a coat that looked like a blue wig on January 2, 2022.Lue grew up in Atlanta and began her journalism career at the age of 15 with an on-air gig on Brookwood Upclose. A year later, she won an international journalism award for her documentary on a local shelter for troubled youth.