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Colorado Electric Bike Rebates

    • 1735 posts
    June 22, 2022 9:06 PM EDT

    Colorado Electric Bike Rebates

    Electric bikes are an increasingly popular type of electric vehicle used by individuals and businesses in Colorado. Coloradoans are using electric cargo bikes and fat tire electric bikes to replace vehicle trips. Electric bikes are more accessible and affordable than electric motor vehicles, and have the added benefits of reducing traffic congestion and health benefits for electric bike riders.To get more news about fatest ebike, you can visit official website.

    At the Federal level, the EBike incentive included in Build Back Better is stuck in traffic at the US Senate. (We need a dedicated bike lane for this kind of legislation.)
    While there are state-level Colorado incentives for the purchase of electric and hybrid electric plug-in motor vehicles and trucks, the State of Colorado does not currently offer any incentives for the purchase of electric bikes. The Colorado Department of Transportation and several local governments offer e-bike sharing programs.To get more news about 52V Ebike, you can visit official website.

    Local Colorado Electric Bike Incentives
    The good news: electric bike incentives can be found in many parts of Colorado, particularly rural counties. Most electric bike rebates are awarded after you buy your electric bike. Save your proof of purchase and submit your application to the agency awarding the rebate. Electric bike rebates generally only apply to new electric bike purchases - retrofit kits do not qualify.To get more news about himiway ebike, you can visit official website.
    The 44,500 members served by Holy Cross Energy are eligible to receive a $50 rebate off a new e-bike. That’s especially attractive for full-time residents of Edwards and Avon, as the rebate can be on top of the rebates those cities offer (see below).

    The Holy Cross website lists Roaring Fork valley and Eagle valley e-bike retailers, but we confirmed that residents can purchase a Built in Colorado electric bike from FattE Bikes.

    Edwards Metro District Electric Bike Rebate
    Edwards is showing real leadership by providing Full-time residents of the Edwards Metro District a $200 rebate per ebike purchased on top of the $50 rebate offered by Holy Cross Energy. The ebike must be intended for use for transportation to and from work, so at the minimum ride it to a coffee shop and work a little, then go have a fun ride and use it to run errands. Funding is limited, so order your built in Colorado electric bike now!
    The City of Avon has a generous rebate for electric bike purchases. Full-time residents can enjoy a $200 electric bike rebate off a minimum ebike purchase price of $1,000, so long the buyer “intends to use the e-bike to offset vehicle miles.” That’s also on top of the $50 rebate offered by Holy Cross Energy. Way to go City of Avon!

    Customers of the LPEA in Durango can get up to $150 rebate on an electric bicycle. There’s a lot of good reasons to ride an electric bike in Durango!

    Electric bike rebates in Colorado aren’t limited to the mountain valley towns of western Colorado. Customers of the Highline Electric Association in the Phillips County area of northeastern Colorado can receive up to $150 off the purchase of an e-bike. Nice job HEA!

    Starting April 22, 2022, Denver has rebates for ebikes purchased at qualifying brick and mortar stores in Denver. Residents can get $400 off an ebike or $900 off an electric cargo bike. Income qualifying residents get $1200 off an ebike or $1700 of an e cargo bike. Learn more about Denver rebates for ebikes.