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Used Automatic spring coiling machine for sale

    • 3359 posts
    June 24, 2022 11:28 PM EDT

    Machine ConstructionCost optimised standard model with 4 CNC axes Axes for infeed, straight-cut, vertical pitch and shapeHigh precision roller infeed with two or three (F6) pairs offeed rollersManually adjustable cutting mandrel, optionally availablewith pneumatic mandrel displacementElectronic hand-jogging wheel for safe and easy set-upof the machine and spring (option)Straight cut (multi-cut optional)Vertical pitch (parallel optional)Rigid driven 2-finger coiling unit Second form axis for quickly converting from right to left hand coiling (option)New machine and equipment cabinet designCan be modularly configured as a stand alone solutionor integrated into existing production linesTorsion cutting, colour recognition, slip control, servo driven mandrel moving (options F4 and F6)Get more news about Electronically Controlled Spring Coiling Machine,you can vist our website!

    2 WAFIOS Precision Machinery for Wire and Tube

    Full-value compression spring machine in the base configurationPart-cost optimised compression spring production High availability thanks to reliable, proven machine control and easy-to-maintain designFlexibility thanks to the modular conceptPrecision with the most modern of measuring and sorting technology

    Measuring and sorting technology (option)Capacitive spring length measurement (FRM)Optical camera measurement system for measuring and regulating spring length and diameter Sorting flaps.Software /ProgrammierungIndustrial-grade PC with flat panel display, keyboardand mouseTouch-screen control panel (option)

    Designed for the production of high-precision compres-sion springs in the medium wire diameter range, the WAFIOS EcoCoiler stands for an economic alternative forthe production of all common compression springs.

    Even the basic configuration of the EcoCoiler is a full-value,highly functional and precise manufacturing device. Themodular machine concept allows the individual configurationof equipment to match the production of a wide variety ofparts. The EcoCoiler can be upgraded or downgraded tofulfill a specific purpose and can be customized to fitspace requirements, e.g. for the integration into pre-existingproduction lines.

    The EcoCoiler can be upgraded with sorting-flaps combinedwith measuring systems - a conventional (FRM) for springlength measurement or an advanced camera for springlength and diameter measurement - for the purpose ofquality control within the scope of zero-error production

    QualityFor more than 100 years the name WAFIOS has stood forthe highest in terms of quality expectations, safety standardsand technical innovation in German manufacturing systemsengineering.

    ReliabilityStrict quality controls, state-of-the-art production systemsand many years of experience guarantee that your invest-ment is in safe hands. Our global service network ensureshigh availability of WAFIOS machinery.EfficiencyHigh production output and a long service life will savemoney and shorten the amortization time of your invest-ment.