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Installing Large Format Thin Porcelain Panels

    • 3359 posts
    July 26, 2022 3:45 AM EDT

    Installing Large Format Thin Porcelain Panels

    Have you seen the wave of new “thin porcelain bodied panels” that have hit the market? These product types range in thickness from ~1/8” (3.5mm) to 5/16” (7mm) and some may be manufactured with a resin or mesh backing. Undoubtedly, the resin or mesh backing provides stability to the thin porcelain panels. Many of the manufacturers of these slim porcelain panel products are suggesting that their products can be used for interior vertical applications and limited interior floor applications. Consult with the thin porcelain panel manufacturer for their recommendation on which specific panel type and thickness is suitable for a specific application. Note that not all thicknesses in a manufacturer’s product range are suitable for all applications. Exterior applications and demanding floor applications may require the use of a specific manufacturer’s porcelain panel (type and thickness) that has been rated for the application and area of use.Get more news about Thin Porcelain Tile,you can vist our website!

    LATICRETE International, Inc., the world leader in ceramic tile and stone installation systems, has had a long and successful history of installing thin, ceramic tile panels dating back to the early 1970’s. Based on our successful track record, the following installation systems can be specified for today’s innovative, thin porcelain panel installation challenges. Special installation techniques are required for successfully installing thin-body porcelain panels. For example, using a glass installer’s “vacuum suction cups” and / or “installation frames” can facilitate easier handling and placing of the panels and reduce the chance of cracking them during handling and installation. Consult the thin porcelain panel manufacturer before selection and installation to determine the porcelain panel’s suitability for the intended area of use and the specified project. It is highly recommended that the manufacturer of the thin porcelain tile provide information regarding the tile’s suitability and acceptability for the intended use of the tile and for the service rating of the tile.

    The main challenge for installers is to make sure that the substrate is extremely flat, so as to achieve the required coverage. Floor installations of thin-body porcelain panels are only recommended over interior concrete floor slabs (and approved existing interior ceramic tile over concrete) that meet the maximum allowable deflection standard of L/360 under total anticipated load. Installations over wood-framed floor constructs are not suitable for most of these panels. Floor substrates for the installation of thin-body porcelain veneer panels must be prepared to a Floor Flatness (FF) of 50. The floor flatness (FF) requirements should be determined just prior to the installation of the thin porcelain tile/panels. If the slab does not meet the floor flatness requirements then appropriate surface preparation should be conducted. Maximum variation in the substrate is not to exceed 1/8” in 10’ (3mm in 3m) from the required plane, and no more than 1/16” in 12” (1.5mm in 30cm) when measured from high points. Please refer to LATICRETE TDS 233 “Floor Flatness (FF) and Floor Levelness (FL)” for more information. Typical interior wall substrates are concrete, concrete block and cement backer board. Typically, the following LATICRETE Polymer Fortified Mortars and LATICRETE® or DRYTEK® Self-Leveling Underlayments can be used to properly prepare a substrate prior to the installation of these thin porcelain panels:
    In some cases, requests have been made to use thin profile porcelain panels on exterior applications. Please note that for exterior veneer installations, the thickness of the panels can be a concern. The 2012 International Building Code (IBC) - Chapter 14 – Exterior Walls - requires that “adhered veneer finish types” (which include ceramic and porcelain tiles) be a minimum of ¼” (6mm) thickness for use as exterior cladding. In addition, facial size dimensions can also be a factor. For porcelain tile, the 2012 IBC [Section 1405.10.2] requires that exterior adhered porcelain tile be a maximum of 24” (610mm) in any face dimension nor more than 3 square feet (0.28m2) in total face area and shall not weigh more than 9 lbs. per s.f. (44.2 kg/m2).