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Mainstream Live Streaming apps

    • 3359 posts
    August 16, 2022 10:55 PM EDT

    Mainstream Live Streaming apps

    These are apps tied to major social networks. They are part of companies that are household names such as Google, Facebook or Twitter. These apps represent an entry point for the individual user but are also part of the social media mix of large events. They offer more sophisticated event tools in some instances and they are largely offered as completely free live streaming apps.To get more news about 39bet-xsmb-xổ số tây ninh-xổ số binh phước-xổ số binh dương-xổ số đồng nai, you can visit official website.

    These apps are in between the social networks platforms and the more advanced live stream apps. They offer entry-level tiers of pricing and they are rarely free. They offer in most cases they have the ability to stream on your website without having to connect to social networks. They can offer quite sophisticated and enterprise tools.
    These are video management platforms that offer very advanced tools such as server broadcasting, live streaming deployment for your event app, advanced monetization via Google DFP and incredibly advanced technical features.

    A bit out of the game but growing in popularity, these are the apps of the future. These are the ones that are tied to younger demographics or to niche event sectors. They become extremely relevant when your attendees are on target as they have an incredible promotional value.

    Facebook Live is the tool that most of us have used and that has democratized live streaming, making it accessible and popular. Facebook Live makes live streaming easy. It has a super simple platform that is easy to use whether you are on mobile or desktop.

    It is one of the most integrated with platforms you will find. If you are using live streaming enabled devices or live broadcasting software, they almost certainly integrate with Facebook Live.
    Youtube Live
    Youtube was one of the first to add live streaming features to their platform, yet it has had a tumultuous evolution with a change of policy, tools and features. The platform now offers tools that are useful whether you are a lone live streamer or you are planning fully fledged events with features such as monetization and ads.

    The platform has quite advanced features and it offers one feature no other platform offers, the search potential of being on Youtube, powered by Google.
    Instagram Live
    Instagram Live is a much younger initiative compared to Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, yet it is one with high potential for virality. We are talking about a user based live streaming app. There is no presence whatsoever of advanced tools or event planning features. Yet, as many attendees engage with Instagram pages, having a live component from the backstage of your event or your actual event can have a quite significant potential.

    The features are very limited with two-person streaming just being introduced to the platform. Once again this confirms the long tail strategy of Instagram, with Facebook serving more complex event iterations.
    Periscope has been among the most used streaming platforms in past years. The platform suffers from the lack of traction Twitter is having in general, with Facebook being the more successful alternative users prefer. Having said that, if Twitter is an important component of your social media strategy, then Periscope definitely helps to get more eyeballs on your tweets.

    As Twitter is navigating more towards a Facebook style, algorithmic display of updates that is not time bound but displays highlights for longer periods of time, you have an opportunity to display your stream recording for longer.