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Compression Moulding Presses

    • 1735 posts
    August 23, 2022 3:46 AM EDT

    Compression Moulding Presses

    Santec offers most efficient compression molding presses in various configurations to suit the varied application requirements. These presses are used in compression molding of parts from rubber, plastic, ceramic and composite materials. Typical parts include seals, gaskets, wiper blades and aircraft parts. Compression molding presses have compact design, single body and easy operating system. These presses also have long slide guide with lubrication system for better accuracy. The compression moulding presses are suitable for a host of materials. The range includes following types:Get more news about compression moulding machine,you can vist our website!
    Compression molding presses are available in standard as well as in customized designs. Moreover, specialized designs with latest features like PLC (microprocessor) servo, proportional controls and cartridge valve can also be configured. The capacity is ranging from 15 tons to 5000 tons. The kinds of compression moulding presses including:
    Known as one of the oldest plastic processing methods, compression moulding (CM) is widely used in plastic processing plants due to its advantages which are lesser seen in other methods. Though injection moulding is the most widely used process, it lacks in some properties which can be achieved in compression moulding. This process is used to give a desired shape to the plastic with the use of high temperature and pressure. It can be used for thermoplastics as well as for thermosetting. In plastics, Thermosets and composite plastics have low melt flow index and the fact that they require high pressure to cure, compression moulding is most common process selected. The finished product from compression moulding is seen to be tough and hard to sustain various loads applied and the surface can be made smooth as per requirement. The scrap produced (flash) is lesser than injection moulding (runners and gates produced during the process). The process setup includes the plastic preform (either powder or tablets) is usually preheated is placed in the heated mould cavity. Heating of mould is done to catalyze the curing reaction. Pressure is then applied with help of a power press for a certain period of time known as curing time. The part thus takes the shape of mould cavity and is then ejected from the mould with ejector system. For an optimum utilization of this process, various parameters are to be controlled such as part geometry, part material, mould quality, mould temperature, curing time, clamping pressure, breathe cycle, preheating and charge quantity. This paper covers a brief overview of the compression moulding process followed by the controlling process parameters.