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    • 3359 posts
    September 23, 2022 12:53 AM EDT


    Whether water has rusted the bulkhead of your aircraft or hazardous paint is beginning to chip from your equipment, you require a cleaning solution that is both safe and effective. Laser ablation uses precision cleaning to remove contaminants such as oil, rust, mold release agents, paint, and more — but how can you choose the right laser cleaner for your needs? Are there different types, and what should you know before you make a purchase?Get more news about laser cleaner,you can vist our website!

    Once we have a better understanding of your application and feel we have a solution, we’ll test our laser solutions to determine the best laser setup for your needs. Our lab provides the ideal conditions for testing our laser solutions, but we’re also able to test your product on-site at your location when needed. Ultimately, whether our laser solutions will work for you boils down to one thing: can we accomplish the desired result? This includes not only from a technical standpoint but also an operational one.

    There are two main options to consider when choosing a cleaning laser: delivery system and power level. What’s right for your project means understanding the needs of the project and the requirements of your operations. Your cleaning options are typically determined during our sales process. We’ll ask questions about your cleaning project as well as test our laser solutions to find out which application gets the desired result.

    There are two delivery options available for laser cleaning: handheld and automatic. Handheld options work exceptionally well for projects requiring mobility, unique surface geometries, and varying parts numbers. For regular, repeated cleanings, however, an automated delivery system is the better choice. By working with several robotics options, we can create a laser cleaning solution that integrates into your production line and increases the efficiency of your processes.

    With laser cleaning, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why we offer three different power levels of cleaning lasers manufactured only by our CleanLASER partners to deliver the highest quality laser cleaning available. Depending on your needs, we offer:

    Low-powered doesn’t equate to ineffective. In fact, our low-power laser solutions provide a gentle, high-precision cleaning perfect for historic restoration, de-coating, and small treatment areas. It uses short pulses of laser light and has the same intensity as other powered cleaners, but is ideal for products such as:
    Unlike other forms of cleaning — including media blasting and plasma cleaning — when used properly, laser cleaning ticks the safety boxes for your operators and employees, your product(s), and the environment. The only safety wear your operators will need to use are safety glasses and a designated hazard zone.

    Our laser solutions create no additional waste and absorb into and remove contaminants down to the foundation — without damaging your substrate. This means that each time you use our lasers, you’re ensuring a smooth finish that protects the lifespan of your product and is safe for the environment.

    Each of our laser solutions is custom-built to order and comes with a warranty, an optional service/maintenance contract, and safety training by our team — including general and unique safety considerations, equipment operations and maintenance tips, proper troubleshooting tactics, and more. While we suggest a designated laser safety officer be present at each location a laser is deployed, our goal is to provide the training you need to operate our lasers safely and effectively.

    Since there are so many factors when choosing the right laser for your needs, the only way to determine the best laser solution for your products is to talk to one of our laser specialists. They’ll walk you through the sales process, answering all of your questions and providing you with the resources and tools you need to make the best decision for your business.