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The Value Of High Brightness

    • 3359 posts
    September 23, 2022 10:47 PM EDT

    A. The higher brightness, the more money you save

    If the brightness of our 50W floodlight is the same as other 100W, so 50W electricity is saved. And if the floodlight work l0 hours everyday, the electricity fee is calculated at 1USD for 1 kW.h, so we can save 365USD electricity fee in two years. (2 years electricity fee calculation method: (5OW10 Hours/Day)/10001USD/1 kW'h365 Days2 year=365USD)Get more news about Anti-surge Flood Light,you can vist our website!

    B. The higher brightness, the more stable.

    According to the law of conservation of energy, with the same wattage, the more light is emitted (the more energy is convertedinto light energy), the less heat is generated.

    GR-FL-I series is our PIR motion sensor floodlights. Through the perfect combination of conventional floodlights and PIR motion sensors. The floodlight will be turned on when the PIR motion detector sensor the human or any motion, and it will be turned off if there is no human being or any motion, which can maximize the energy-saving effect. On the PIR Sensor device, different settings for the sensing distance and delay time can be realized. It is the perfect choice to be security lighting.

    Power Flood Pro fixtures from Atlas Lighting Products are the most powerful LED flood lights available in the market today. Using optical grade individual acrylic lenses that deliver more lumens to the desired target, they guarantee more footcandles, less glare and less wasted light.