Cosmic Evolver System

  • The price of some small star systems in the universe with a slightly worse environment is only a few trillion star coins, which means that if the white clouds sell all the nine immortal grasses, the star coins they get can directly buy a small star system like the Milky Way. However, in the whole known universe, the size of the Milky Way is not even a speck of dust. Such a local emperor is really boring, white clouds naturally can not really sell all. The probability of refining the evolutionary source liquid is generally not high. Baiyun has to keep it for himself in the future, as well as Hua Feihua and Xuan Qingqing and others to prepare for it. At most, selling two plants is the bottom line of Baiyun, because no matter how much money you have, no matter how much territory you have, you need your own strength to keep up with it in order to gain a foothold in the universe. "Come here." After transplanting the nine immortal grasses into the immortal tripod, the white cloud waved to the silver dozens of steps behind it. The silver, who was still in shock, stayed first, and then staggered over with its head down. After the initial excitement, the white cloud has sunk down, calmly grabbed the silver arm, the immortal gas quickly rushed into each other's body, for it to repair the place destroyed by itself, after a long time before forcing out the golden lightning that is still running wild. "Thank you, master." The man had to bow his head under the eaves. Silver knew that Baiyun helped him just because he needed him as a coolie to help cross the sky, but he could only forcibly suppress all the uneasiness and thank him obediently. Silver is afraid of death, even if it is so humble to live, it is better than the real soul. "Keep this obedient, don't let me move to kill, otherwise no matter what reason is useless." After seeing that silver is still weak but enough to cross the void,mobile racking systems, Baiyun stopped the action of healing and warned, then paused and then said: "I know what you are trying to do, because you are afraid of being abandoned by me after losing the use value." "As long as you do things to my satisfaction, restore your fighting power needless to say, even if it is not impossible to improve your realm, even I can help you fulfill your wish." For the current white cloud, silver can really help a lot to appease the other side is still necessary, give it some hope to increase some loyalty. Baiyun knows silver so well that he knows almost all its secrets. He knows that silver did not leave the Zerg Empire voluntarily, but was driven out. Otherwise, by virtue of its position in the Zerg,warehousing storage solutions, it could not be reduced to the point of being captured by human beings. It has a wish that it cannot fulfill by itself. "The maidservant thanks the master's forbearance" silver lowers the head in the twinkling eye light, very obvious pause, then still respectfully obediently replies. "Don't believe it?" Bai Yun shook his head and thought to himself. Then he ordered, "I'm really too weak now, but you'll understand later." "It's the master," the silver, who had suppressed all his emotions, answered, and as the silver light enveloped the white clouds and itself, the whoosh disappeared in place and continued to search the outer reaches of the solar system, which was covered with debris and ice. In the next ten days, Baiyun did not have any big harvest, only found a transmission altar, but it was still damaged along the way of mineral and gemstone materials, not as clean as before, but to see the value and role to decide whether to get Baiyun is now a burst of wealth, naturally for those small materials will not care, the value is not high, cantilever racking system ,warehouse storage racks, the most important thing is a waste of time. "Master there found a transmission altar, may be intact," constantly display the space magic power of silver suddenly, pointing to the upper left of the gravel belt said, let the white cloud overjoyed, hurriedly ordered to flash past the white cloud now the coverage of divine consciousness has reached thousands of miles, but compared with silver, is still small see big witchcraft silver divine consciousness coverage, can be completely enveloped than the earth and product In its heyday, the ring should be added to the vines for metamorphosis Two breaths or so, flashing thousands of miles of silver, with white clouds landed on a piece of rubble dozens of kilometers in size. In the world of silent movies, an ancient small transport altar is located in it. After several repeated investigations, Baiyun determined that the altar was still usable. "If you don't know where to send it, let's go to the nothingness area to have a look first. If you really can't, you can use this transmission altar." Baiyun frowned slightly and thought for a long time before he ordered the silver. "Yes," silver naturally will not have any objection, directly with the white clouds turned toward the nihility area teleportation past. The so-called region of nothingness is a zone of nothingness, like a dark river that blocks the connection between star systems. According to the luminous stars on the other side of the river, which can be seen visually by silver, the dark river is about two or three light-years wide. With the degree of silver, it will take about months to cross it at the fastest. Half a month later, the hard-working silver suddenly stopped, the middle part of his eyes was confused, and the white cloud, who had half a mind falling into practice, also stopped understanding the original immortal sutra. "Master here is strange, the maidservant has been in the same place in the sky, but with the other side of the star system but did not close the distance," Silver explained. "A maze?" Bai Yun frowned and asked "The realm of the master and the maidservant is too low to make any difference," Yin replied truthfully. "Look back," Bai Yun hesitated for a moment. Silver should flash back to the solar system, dozens of minutes later, Baiyun confirmed that it was normal and ordered it to stop, then moved horizontally, changed direction and flashed to the other side, the result was still in the same place. "Back cut normal, can move forward half a step is not good, here should be the edge of the big array, but" how to find out, Baiyun is nowhere to start, he tried to urge the source of Shenquan bombardment, the result is not the slightest effect, or even take out items thrown in the past, the result will come back immediately. "Walk to the other side to see, if not, go back to use the transmission altar," the helpless white cloud ordered. In the following ten days, the master and servant had been wandering in this nothingness zone, like headless flies without any clue, and the white clouds that had nothing to gain could only order the silver to go back. "This is" in the silent universe, there are silver and white clouds shuttling among them, about three days later, the master and servant suddenly stopped, staring at the distant front, only to see millions of kilometers ahead, some dim light slowly rotating,shuttle rack system, like a giant whirlpool, in the middle of which is the darkness that devours all things. "It's the tunnel of the universe." Bai Yun and Yin recognized what it was at the same time, both in a low exhalation.