Guthix Guthix, who is also God of Nature and Nature

  • Guthix Guthix, who is also God of Nature and Nature, is able to OSRS Gold kill half. If Gods take over nature and destroy all living animals, Guthix might be half-dead. Also, everyone know Zaros was killed, but now he is back, so why Guthix would not do exactly the same? Guthix is more powerful than Zaros. I hope someone who reads this article will understand what I'm trying to convey and assist me. I want to Return Guthix to Gielinor. Please, if you did know this, and believe that this is right, add me to your list of friends in RuneScape, my character is One Ley.

    Well he definitely died in the event that he somehow faked the whole The World Wakes situation with Sliske's help, which I just don't find plausible. Guthix was the most powerful of the "normal" Gods mainly due to his long-term exposure to the Stone of Jas' powers, but after years of isolation, it's fair to assume he lost a great deal of his strength. It's not likely that Guthix was able to pull of such absurdities in the time.

    He was unable to escape death in a manner like Zaros. His body, unlike Guthix’s, was destroyed by Zaros. Most likely because Zaros attempted to keep his life alive and transformed his body into energy in order to escape death.

    Guthix was not affected by this, as you are sure. Gielinor also had other experiences that proved he did actually die like the divination craters believed to be the result of the Anima Mundi itself mourning for Guthix.

    The world isn't balanced right now, as evident by the happenings around the globe. Chaos seems to have taken a beating. It has been shown that balance in RuneScape does not require fighting between good and bad instead, it's about balancing order and chaos. Saradomin and Buy RS 2007 Gold Armadyl have already beaten one another, which is a sign that the order has a 2-0 lead.