NBA2king - Check out the full post over at the NBA 2K21 website

  • See, at the moment, it was about positions. They climbed up the ladder. Shaka had the bragging rights always ahead of Lotty. When Lotty discovered the two NBA 2K21 MT stars climbed up in the Exact Same neighborhood of Mount Vernon, New York. He knew he needed to battle him. One game to decide bragging rights to the town and 2K. They went to different high schools, therefore it wasn't like they could link up by themselves.

    In reaction, 2K reminded players who adverts"have been incorporated into 2KTV sections" for a couple of years, but said that"yesterday 2KTV advertisement placement influenced our players' experience in a way we did not intend, as these ads are not intended to run as part of their pre-game launch" As a result, the problem"will be fixed in future episodes," although there is no word on exactly when the change will be implemented. Crucially, it doesn't sound like the adverts will actually be going away. 2K points out that they've been in place for a little while already, and that the issue here appears to be where the advertisement showed up, not the fact that it was there in the first place. Hopefully the placements will probably be subtle in the future, but it appears that in-game ads are set to be part of the NBA 2K games for a while yet.

    Also, the day following Jordan registered the triple-double against the Warriors, he scored his second-most points at a single regular-season match against a rookie Shaquille O'Neal, former Bulls head coach Scott Skiles and the Orlando Magic. On the next half of a Buy NBA 2K Coins yearlong, Jordan had 64 points, but the Bulls dropped the match in overtime 128-124.