I would prefer to see skills such as dungeoneering

  • It's just not understandable why people would create goals based on RS gold content when the game has so little content. If you don't enjoy questing, however, with 70+ skills you could easily get a quest cape. This takes relatively few hours. As many updates, making the game simpler would make it difficult for me. It is easy enough already to play, all you require is time.

    Since you're dependent on the skills of four other people Dungeoneering isn't a skill. Jagex can raise the solo dungeoneering from 350k exp/hr to become more of an skill-skill. Post might have just been a mess of unorganized thoughts. But my main point was this If you remove the grind, you will get a lot more of the game.

    Additionally, to be more specific, I believe runescape doesn't have any really excellent endgame aside from personal accomplishment. If you don't get the achievement, you take out runescape tbh.

    There are some fair points here, particularly about the elimination of large chunks of content as well as the ineffectiveness of large content goals. However, I don't agree with your point about quests. Although it might be true in the past but it's not the case that people older than 70 is able to finish all the quests. Since quests are the main reason why I improve my abilities, it's very significant. I have observed a significant growth in the skills I require. The quest cape will need 76 defense and constitution mining, timbercutting, and crafting, 77 strength, agility, attack and power, 80 magic, and 74smithing, theft and firemaking.

    None of these quests are upgradeable. They'll take around twice as much time to complete than the 70-level requirements. These are also sequels to quests that I have been able reach easily with 70ish stats. This is the reason I believe that running games force players to grind in certain areas. This isn't right.

    I would prefer to see skills such as dungeoneering, which require the ability (and maybe a good team) and the same principles applied to other areas. Agility would be much more enjoyable and a much better gameplay if it was an art and something that you could become good at getting fast rates of xp, instead of the mindless, simple click race it's.

    While it wouldn't make the game any simpler however it could make it more time-consuming. The gameplay is simple enough as it is. It's all about the time. If you try to make it harder and move faster, you will have a better game.

    Jagex will release EoC, to (hopefully), fix the grind. EoC is fine for cheap RuneScape gold me personally. I just would like EoC to be able to nerf swifts and giants. I'm grateful to anyone who got an eoc.